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31593 Cuba 1855-1960 and Dominican Republic 1870-1986.
Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used, partly double stamp collection Cuba 1855-1960 and Dominican Republic 1870-1986 in fat Scott album, in which good material like (Michel no’s): Spanish West Indies, Spanish colony Cuba, Cuba 1-5*, 39-47*, 58-67*, 74-78*, 103A**, 103B**, 104-117A**, 104-117B**, 120-127**, 131-153**, 161*, 232-239**, 264-271**, 391-394**, 465-466**, 467-471**, souvenir sheet 6**, 7**, 8**, 9**, 10**, 11-14**, 15**, 15, 17**, Dominican Republic 410-411*, 412-417*, 468-472* and very many souvenir sheets.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
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