40563 Denmark cancels 1851-1880.
£350Nice lot of cancels from Denmark 1851-1880 on classic stamps, including better ones, in stockbook.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40477 World 1863-1948.
£600Nice, thematic stamp collection Ottoman Empire 1863-1948 of various countries such as Egypt, Syria, Cilicia, Lebanon, Palestine, Yugoslavia etc. in self-made album. Nice lot!
40485 German Reich combinations 1918-1942.
£1,800MNH and mint hinged stamp collection/accumulations combinations of German Reich 1918-1942, including better items, some Heftchenblätter and various covers of stamp booklets (without content), in 2 albums.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40586 Bahamas 1859-2005.
£1,500Almost complete, mainly MNH stamp collection Bahamas 1859-2005, including good stamps such as (Stanley Gibbons no’s): 2* (pair, with certificate), 2* in block of 4, 4 (certificate), 56*, 115-125*, 194-195**, 201-216**, etc. in 2 Palo albums
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40629 Netherlands plateflaws 1899-2001.
£500Well filled, MNH mint hinged and used collection of 670 plate flaws of the Netherlands 1899-2001 in 2 stockbooks, including many souvenir sheets. Catalogue value over 7000 euros.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40631 Croatia 1941-1945.
£900Very well filled, mainly MNH stamp collection Croatia 1941-1945, including many good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 1-8**, 9-23**, 39C** (certificate), 40C** (certificate), 170-172**, various (partly) imperforate stamps, minisheets etc. in stockbook. Nice collection!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40633 Netherlands 1852-1972.
£400A bit messy, but well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Netherlands 1852-1972, including good stamps such as (NVPH no’s): 29, 48, 130, 136-138*, 348**, nice back of the book, in somewhat diverse quality, in Davo album.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40577 Egypt 1869-1987.
£500Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Egypt 1869-1987, including better stamps, souvenir sheets, duplicates etc. in stockbook. Catalogue value according to collector 7500 euros.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40578 Burundi 1962-1973.
£400Almost complete, MNH and mint hinged stamp collection Burundi 1962-1973, including souvenir sheets, imperforate material etc. in blank album.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40351 Fieldpost WW I and II 1914-1945.
£1,250Extensive collection of Fieldpost covers and cards from various countries, but mainly Germany 1914-1945 in 8 albums.
40560 German Reich complete inflasheets.
£3,000Lot of 459 complete, MNH infla sheets of German Reich. In small box, catalogue value 47,700 (counted as loose stamps and cheapest colours).
40622 Aden postcards 1900-1950.
£250114 old postcards including used cards, many nice streetviews, historic document, in folder, offered very cheap.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).