34556 French Zone 1945-1948.
£1,600Double (MNH/mint hinged AND canceled) stamp collection French Zone 1945-1948 on albumpages in folder. MNH/mint hinged part is complete including souvenir sheets, the canceled part is almost complete, including the good souvenir sheets. High catalogue value!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34596 Indonesia 1949-1991.
£500Nearly complete, mainly MNH and mint hinged stamp collection Indonesia 1949-1991 in 2 Davo cristal and 1 Davo luxe album, including overprint set 1949 mint hinged, Riau overprints mixed canceled and mint hinged, tennis, football and monkey sheets MNH etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34558 Italy 1850-1935.
£3,500Mint hinged and (mainly) canceled stamp collection Italy 1850-1935 on large album pages in folder, in which many better stamps such as (Michel no’s): Modena 5 I, 2 II, 10, newspaper stamps 1, Parma 1-5, Rome 5, 6, Sicily 1-6, good part Tuscany, Italy 41, 49, 54, 59, 79*, 201-204, 345-357 (no. 354 missing), 373-384, 385-390, 391-407, 415-434, postage dues 1(*), 2, 15-17(*), parcel stamps 1-6, Eritrea 1-3(*), 4-10(*), 11, etc. High catalogue value!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34588 Netherlands 1852-1958.
£220Reasonably dilled, mint hinged and used stamp collection Netherlands 1852-1958 in old Favorite album. Also some material from overseas territories present.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34582 France 1849-1959.
£2,800Very well filled, MNH and mint hinged (and classic canceled) stamp collection France 1849-1959 in Leuchtturm album, in which nice classic part and many better stamps such as (Yvert no’s): 115**, 126*, 156*, 162-169*182* (Bordeaux) , 229-232*, 252*, 256**, 269*, 354-355*, 867-872**, 989-994**, 1027-1032**, souvenir sheet 1* (partly gummed), airmail 6c * (Elpa30), 8-13**/*, 15**, 24-27**, 35-37**, postage dues 64*, 65**, 78-89**, etc. Nice collection, high catalogue value !
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34587 France 1849-1951.
£800Reasonably filled, MNH, mint hinged and used, partly double, stamp collection France 1849-1951 in luxe Safe album.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34581 France 1849-1965.
£1,500Well filled, MNH and mint hinged (and classic canceled) stamp collection France 1849-1965 in old album (mechanism broken), in which many better stamps such as (Yvert no’s): 114*, 115*, 127*, 128*, 153(** ) (regummed), 162-169*, 216*, 229-232*, 256(**) (regummed), 300*, 308*, 354-355*, 867-872**, 989-994**, 1027-1032**, airmail 24-27**, 30-33**, 35-37**, etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34583 France 1849-1966.
£1,100Reasonably filled, mostly mint hinged (and classic canceled) stamp collection France 1849-1966 in Scott album, in which better stamps such as (Yvert no’s): 6B(*) (real?), 61, 68, 95, 300*, 308, souvenir sheet 3 * (Pexip), etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34584 France 1849-1959.
£1,200Well filled, MNH and mint hinged (and classically canceled) stamp collection France 1849-1959 in Leuchtturm album, in which many better stamps such as (Yvert no’s): 33 (repaired, cancel grand chiffres 5104, Shanghai), 156** (fold), 300 *, 308*398*, 867-872*, 989-994*, 1027-1032*, airmail 6c** (Elpa30), postage dues 17, 20, 26, 40A*, 55-62*, etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34572 Europa CEPT 1956-1974.
£250Complete, MNH stamp collection Europe CEPT 1956-1974 in luxe Lindner album, including Luxembourg 1956-1957, Liechtenstein1960, Spanish Andorra 1972 etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34574 Europa CEPT 1956-1974.
£250Complete, MNH stamp collection Europe CEPT 1956-1974 in luxe Lindner album, including Luxembourg 1956-1957, Liechtenstein1960, Spanish Andorra 1972 etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34576 Europa CEPT 1956-1992.
£400Nearly complete, MNH stamp collection Europe CEPT 1956-1992, without souvenir sheets in stockbook. High catalogue value!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).