34420 Italy 1863-2001.
£2,750Canceled, almost complete stamp collection Italy 1863-2001 in nice quality in 2 albums, in which many better stamps such as (Michel no’s): 97-98, 183-185, 188-193 (Manzoni), 201-204, 214-216, 229 , 249-252, 268-269, 270-271, 272-274, 275-278, 293, 294, 318-324 (2x), 333-336, 361 (!), 345-357, 373-384, 391 -407, 413, 415-434, 439-444, 459-462, 479-487, 514-519, 532-542, 547-559, 560-575, 576-590, 773, GNR overprints 1-16, 35 -40, etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34419 Great Britain 1841-1985.
£500Nicely filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection England 1841-1985 including many duplicates in Davo abum.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34400 World better issues 1870-1950.
£4,800Album with better MNH, mint hinged and used stamps of various countries, including Italy, Germany, Belgium and Belgian Congo, France, French colonies, Monaco, etc. Very high catalogue value!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34408 World perfins 1870-1980.
£5,200Fantastic collection of perfins from many countries 1870-1980 in 20 bindings. It took the collector more than 40 years to get this collection together, which includes Great Britain and the colonies, France, Germany, Australia (also OS perforations), USA, South America, etc. also with better stamps and various covers. A total of 26000 items, for only 20 cents each!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34326 World MNH until 2018!
£4,250Very extensive, MNH lot sets, souvenir sheets and booklets, all still valid for postage, including beautiful motifs. Contains material from Singapore, Thailand, France, Channel Islands, New Zealand, Sweden, Canada, USA, Australia etc. etc. Nominal value over 7000 euros!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34403 Saar 1949-1959.
£3,000Beautiful, very extensive, MNH and canceled engros lot Saar 1949-1959 in sheets and sheet parts. Gigantic catalog value!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34402 Taiwan covers 1960-2000.
£550Box with more than 400, mainly really used, covers from Taiwan 1960-2000, including some incoming covers to Taiwan.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34397 Vatican 1929-1953.
£1,100Complete, mint hinged stamp collection Vatican 1929-1953 in nice quality in White Ace album, in which all good sets, including provisional issue 1934, all good airmail stamps, souvenir sheet 1 etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34399 Israel 1948-1961.
£1,250Complete, mainly canceled stamp collection Israel 1948-1961 in somewhat mixed quality, on album pages in folder, including 1st set 2x present (1x canceled fulltab and 2 highest values halftab, and 1x umint hinged, but stamps stuck to paper), New Year 1949 fulltab, camel 1950 half tab, Menorah 1952 half tab, etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34401 Italy and territories 1850-1990.
£3,600Messy, but very well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Italy and territories 1850-1990 in Minkus album, in which very good part Old Italian States (including Papal States, Tuscany, Naples), nicely filled early period Italy, Tientsin, La Canea , Pechino etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34398 Austria 1850-1975.
£2,800Very well filled, mostly MNH and mint hinged stamp collection Austria 1850-1975 in Scott album, in which many better stamps such as (Michel no’s): 1-5, 35-41*, 139-156*, 161-177*, 333-339* imperforated, 433-441*, 447-467**, 468-487*, 498-511*, 512-517*, 518-523*, 524-529*, 530-543*, 545-550*, 551- 554*, 555A* (Wipa normal paper), 557-562*, 984-987*, etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34384 Papua New Guinea cancels 1952-1980.
£200Nice lot of cancels from Papua New Guinea, some on pieces, in stockbook.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).