34251 Russia 1865-1966.
£1,350Nicely filled, mint hinged and used stamp collection Russia in blank album and on stock cards, in which many better stamps with certificate, such as Michel 41ya K (inverted overprint, with certificate), 71 IIAb* (partly missing script, with certificate), 288 IAY in pair canceled with certificate, etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34246 Belgium 1957-1963.
£350Lot MNH Belgium 1957-1963 in sheets and sheetparts in folder. Mainly complete sets, catalogue value over 4000 euros.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34233 Norway 1856-1970.
£400Mainly canceled stock Norway 1856-1970 in cahier, in which also better stamps and nice cancels.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34203 Europe new issues to 2010.
£1,500Canceled and FDC lot new issues from various European countries up to 2010, including Italy, Baltic States (from 1918), Slovenia, Macedonia, Bosnia, Croatia, etc. Most stamps still in original packaging. Novelties price approx. 9000 euros!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34122 Denmark 1960-2001.
£500Mainly MNH stamp collection Denmark 1960-2001 in album and stockbook and also stamp collection Faroe Islands 1975-2004, including year sets and maximum cards in 4 albums.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34191 Europa CEPT 1956-2008.
£1,300Very extensive, MNH, mint hinged and FDC collection Europe CEPT 1956-2008 on LIndner album pages in box, including souvenir sheets, booklets, FDC’s etc, in which e.g. (Michel no’s): Luxembourg 1956 MNH and on FDC, 1992 Albania souvenir sheet 97**, 1993 Belarus souvenir sheet 4**, etc. Huge catalogue value!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34134 Various themes 50s and 60s.
£750Mainly MNH material with various motifs on old merchant cards, including many sports including better ones, UPU including 1949 editions, Aerospace, Olympic Games, etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34148 World MNH 1960-2003.
£350Box with various MNH material in numbers from various countries, including China 1983 stamp booklet (Michel SB 25) 4x, French colonies epreuves, including Polynesia, Yemen perforated and imperforated, etc. Catalogue value approx. 10,000 euros!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
33973 Russia 1865-2002.
£1,200Very extensive, mainly canceled stamp collection/accumulation Russia 1865-2002, including better stamps, somewhat specialised, also some Russian areas etc. in 21(!) stockbooks.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34231 Liechtenstein 1912-2020!
£2,800Very well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used, partly double stamp collection Liechtenstein 1912-2020 in 3 albums (albums are unfortunately in bad condition). The collection includes (Michel no’s): 1-3y*, 16-52B*, 53-60*, 71*, 78-81**, 82-89*, 90-93**, 116-118**, 94-107*, 108-113*, 114-115*, 119-121*, 140-142*, 143-147*, 148*, 149-150**, 197*, 304-305A**, 306- 308**, 309, 332-333**, 332-333, service 1-8*, 9-10*, souvenir sheet 1** (Vaduz sheet), 5**, etc. Also several nice covers and kleinbogen present.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
33961 World classic 1859-1900.
£3,850Stockbook with mint hinged and used classic material from various countries 1859-1900, such as Hawaii, Liberia, Haiti, various French areas, etc. on small dealer pages in stockbook.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34229 New Zealand 1929-1992.
£700Slightly messy, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection New Zealand 1929-1992 in 5 volumes, in which better stamps such as (Stanley Gibbons no’s): 546-547 (Smiling boys), 552, 553, otherwise many blocks of 4, stamp booklets, (Health) sheets, service stamps, etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).