33390 Italy 1900-1950.


Extensive lot, mainly MNH stamps of Italy 1900-1950 in numbers in 3 stockbooks, in which e.g. (Michel no’s): 172** (11x), 183-185*, 221**/* (15x), 280**, 292** (8x), 294** (5x), etc. High catalogue value!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

33389 Norway 1856-2013.


Neat, well filled, canceled stamp collection Norway 1856-2013 in 2 Davo albums.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

33383 Italian States 1851-1868.


Nicely filled, mint hinged and used stamp collection Italian States 1851-1868 on self-made album pages, including some covers and signed stamps.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

33384 Württemberg 1851-1874.


Beautiful, well filled, partly double, canceled stamp collection Württemberg 1851-1874 on self-made album pages in folder, in which e.g. (Michel no’s): 1-4 (2x), 6-9 (2x), 11-15 (2x), 17, 18, 19, 20 (!, 2x), 34, 35 (2x), 36-41 (2x), etc.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

33387 Iceland 1876-2008.


Beautiful, very well filled, canceled stamp collection Iceland 1876-2008 in Davo album, in which e.g. (Michel no’s): 63-68, 76-82, 125-140, 150-155, 156-167, etc.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

33379 Scandinavia 1856-1972.


Reasonably filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden 1856-1972 in old Kabe album.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

33378 Greece 1886-1975.


Reasonably filled, mint hinged and used stamp collection Greece 1886-1975 in Kabe album, in which e.g. (Michel no’s): 268*, 278*, 300-303*, 674-680*, 696-705*, 734-744*, Greek occupation Albania 28-37*, etc.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

33363 Germany 1850-1960.


MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Germany 1850-1960 in 3 albums, in which good Berlin (including souvenir sheet 1 MNH, signed Schlegel), Zones, Danzig, Saar, old German States etc.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

33221 Allied Zone 1945-1949.


Almost complete, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Allied Zone 1945-1949 in Leuchtturm album, in which e.g. (Michel no’s): communal issues souvenir sheet 1A**, 1B**, French zone Baden 28-37, 38-41, 42-45 , souvenir sheet 1A**, 1B**, 2 (*), Rhineland-Pfalz 32-41, 42-45, souveir sheet 1(*), Württemberg 28-37, 40-43, souvenir sheet 1(*), Soviet Zone BI** (Potschta), souvenir sheet 1**, 4**, 5X, 5Y, 6** (Goethe), etc.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

33361 Germany 1945-1955.


Well filled, mint hinged and used stamp collection German Zones, Bundespost and DDR 1945-1955 in old Borek album, in which e.g. (Michel no’s): British-American Zone 36-51 I* (including 49 I), 52-68 I*, 52 -68 II*, Soviet Zone 20-22*, souvenir sheet 2* (small thin spot), 3A*, 3B*, well filled part French Zone, Bundespost 111-112*, 111-112, 113-115, 117-120 , 139-140*, DDR 284-285**, souvenir sheet 7** (Debria), 7, etc.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

33357 Allied Zone 1945-1949.


Double (MNH and canceled), stamp collection Allied Zone 1945-1949 in album, in which e.g. (Michel no’s): communal issues souvenir sheet 12A, 12B, British American Zone VII/I**, VI/II**, VII/II**, French Zone Baden 37**, 28-37, 38-41**, 42-45**, 46 II**, souvenir sheet 1A**, 1A on cover, 1B**, 1B on cover, 2(*) , Rheinland-Pfalz 32-41, 42-45**, souvenir sheet 1(*), Württemberg 28-37**, 28-37, 40-43**, souvenir sheet 1(*), etc.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

33351 Allied Zone 1945-1949.


As good as complete, DOUBLE (MNH/mint hinged AND canceled) stamp collection communal issues, British-American and French Zone 1945-1949 in old Safe album, in which e.g. (Michel no’s): communal issues souvenir sheet 12A*, 12A, 12B*, 12B , British-American Zone 52-68 I**, 52-68 I (various values signed), 52-68 II** (various values signed), 52-68 II (no.60 and 64 missing, various values signed), souvenir sheet 1, French Zone Baden 28-37**, 28-37, 38-41**, 42-45**, souvenir sheet 1A**, 1A, 1B**, 1B, 2 (*), 2, etc Nice collection, high catalogue value!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).