40501 Cambodia 1951-1975.


For 99% complete, MNH and mint hinged stamp collection Cambodia 1951-1975 in Minkus album.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40522 Thematics 1st Worldwar exhitibion collection 1915-1918.


Wonderful exhibition collection special charity postcards all with theme 1st worldwar, very pretty collection, nearly 300 cards including very scarce material, on pages with descriptions, in 2 albums (was shown at the Philexfrance 2017 exhibition, documents present). Great lot!

40480 Israel first day covers 1998-2018!!


Fantastic dealer stock first day covers, ex. Stocks of the Marlen Stamp company, gigantic numer of covers, mainly 10 to 20x present including sheetlets. These new issues are very hard to get + massive new issue value, also tons of frama on first day cover (very scarce and enormeous new issue price, up to $ 250 per set!!), personalised sheets, sheets of 10 etc. etc. Maybe 10.000 covers, great lot for resellers!!

40521 Thematics 1st Worldwar exhitibion collection 1915-1918.


Wonderful exhibition collection ‘la grande guerre du soldat Ramain Jean’. (the great war of soldier Ramain Jean), through letters to and from home, he was in several battles, wounded twice, at the battle of the Somme taken prisoner and sent to a POW camp in Germany till the end of the war. 3 diploma’s present, great historic document!!

40519 Thematics 1st Worldwar 1914-1918.


Wonderful collection of mint and used postcards, all with military scenes, tanks, destroyed buildings, troops, all kind of weapons, humor etc. in album. In total 400 cards!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40518 Germany 1872-1945.


For 99% complete mint and used collection in slightly mixed condition (few cheap mint stamps have some toning), missing only 1 stamp and 1 bloc, including all the expensive early issues, inflation including expensive stamps used, all zeppelins complete, all sheetlets (1933 sheetlet just the stamps used), service etc. in Yvert album. Gigantic catalogue value!!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40507 China blok 1997.


Exhibition souvenir sheet for the Shanghai 1997 stampshow (2500x) mint never hinged in original sealed packs. Michel block 76AI, cat. 16.250 euro. Scott 2681, cat. value $ 20.000!!! Offered very cheap!!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40506 China blok 1997.


Exhibition souvenir sheet for the Shanghai 1997 stampshow (2500x) mint never hinged in original sealed packs. Michel block 76AI, cat. 16.250 euro. Scott 2681, cat. value $ 20.000!!! Offered very cheap!!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40504 Germany Reich combinations on cover 1919-1942.


Incredible, very extensive collection, enormeous amount of covers with wonderful and often very expensive frankings, hundreds and hundreds of covers in mainly very fresh condition, also album with mainly used combinations, in 4 albums. Great collection, offered very cheap!

40392 Switzerland soldierstamps 1939-1945.


MNH, mint hinged and cancelled stamp collection of Swiss soldier stamps 1939-1945, including souvenir sheets, imperforate stamps etc. in 3 Davo Kosmos albums.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40557 German Reich complete inflasheets.


Lot of 435 complete, MNH infla sheets of German Reich. In small box, catalogue value 43,900 (counted as loose stamps and cheapest colours).

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40556 German Reich infla.


Box with various MNH infla material of German Empire, including Han numbers, upper margins, gutter pairs, etc. In box, catalogue value 22,800 euros.