32636 Egypt service 1893-1952.


Specialised collection service stamps of Egypt 1893-1952 in stockbook, in which varieties, cancels, color nuances, some covers etc.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

32595 Portugal and colonies 1856-1968.


Well filled, mint hinged and used stamp collection Portugal and colonies 1856-1968 on albumpages in folder, including better stamps like (Michel no’s): 137B* (perf 12½), 138-145, 289*, 297*, 372*, 373*, 403*, 404*, 405*, 514* in pair, 556* in pair, 559-564, 630-631*, 673-680* in pairs, 835-843* in pairs, 856-859**/* in pairs (so 1 set MNH and 1 set mint hinged) etc. Also some stamps of Angola, Azores, Mozambique and Nyassa present.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

32569 Sweden combinations 1940-2002.


Extensive lot canceled combinations from stamp booklets of Sweden 1940-2002 in large box with several stockbooks and very many glassines. Lot contains probably (i’s a guess) 10.000 combinations, including better ones. Ideal lot to break up, for approval booklets, ebay etc.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

32579 Denmark 1851-2000.


Somewhat messy, but nicely filled, mostly canceled stamp collection Denmark 1851-2000 on variou salbumpages in springback. Also Greenland present (including New York issue), Danish west Indies etc.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

32568 Sweden 1858-2013.


Very extensive, canceled stamp collection Sweden 1858-2013 in 8 blank albums in nice quality, in which better stamps (not the key stamps), good pairs, back of the book etc.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

32557 Sweden coilstamps 1950-1979.


Beautiful MNH collection coilstamps of Sweden 1950-1979, mostly n strips of 5 or 6 in 2 albums. High catalogue- and face value!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

32562 Greenland 1905-2011.


Very well filled, canceled stamp collection Greenland 1905-2011 in 2 blank albums, including 7 Pakke Porto stamps and further (Michel no’s): 1-7, 8-16 (New York issue), 18, 20, 28-36, 37 -38, etc.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

32539 Argentina 1858-1945.


Very well filled, mint hinged and used stamp collection Argentina 1858-1945 in stockbook, in which good classic material and better stamps such as (Michel no’s): 151, 363*, 364*, 384-386, 386*, 390-394*, 447- 449*, souvenir sheet 1, 4*, 5**, good part service stamps, provincial stamps etc.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

32524 Israel 1948-2011.


Very well filled, mainly fulltab MNH stamp collection Israel 1948-2011 in 3 albums, in which various good stamps, souvenir sheets, coil stamps, sheets etc.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

32522 Israel 1948-2006.


Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used, mostly full-tab stamp collection Israel 1948-2006 in 3 Schaubek albums (albumpages till 2011), in which various better stamps.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

32467 Suriname 1975-2005 FDC’s.


Almost complete collection unadressed first day covers of Suriname 1975-2005 in 2 Davo FDC albums. Catalogue value ca. 3900 euros.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

32466 Suriname 1975-2001 FDC’s.


Almost complete collection unadressed first day covers of Suriname 1975-2001 in 2 Davo FDC albums. Catalogue value over 3100 euros.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).