40461 Fiji cancels 1930-1965.


Nice collection cancels from Fiji 1930-1965, partly on pieces, in 2 stockbooks.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40454 United Nations until 2010.


For 99% complete, MNH stamp collections United Nations: New York 1996-2010, Geneva 1969-2010 and Vienna 1979-2010 in 3 Davo luxe albums with slipcases.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40458 Suriname 1975-2004.


Complete, MNH stamp collection Suriname 1975-2004, including souvenir sheets, in 2 Davo luxe albums with slipcases.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40371 Europa CEPT 1956-2000.


For 99% complete, MNH (year 1956 cancelled) stamp collection Europa CEPT 1956-2000 in 3 Leuchtturm albums.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40453 Israel FDC’s 1995-2014.


Collection of 130 FDC’s of Israel 1995-2014 with sheets of 10 and personal sheets. Very low impression, rarely offered!

40456 Poland 1915-1985.


Well filled, mint hinged and used, partly double stamp collection Poland 1915-1985, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 376-379**, 390 I-X*, 445-447*, 515-517*, souvenir sheet 2*, 5B*, 7*, 7, Port Gdansk -11*, 13*, etc. in self made album.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40473 Dutch Antilles 1970-2021!!


Fantastic for 99% complete mint never hinged collection of Dutch Antilles, Aruba, Caribian territory, St. Maarten, Bonaire, Curacao, St. Eustatius, housed in 6 expensive Davo Lx albums + slipcases. Also stockbook with new issues.

40472 Netherlands first day covers complete 1950-2022!!


Complete collection first day covers from the scarce early covers in mainly good condition right up to the very hard to get new issues till December 2022!!, in 9 Davo albums + slipcases. The catalogue value is over 11.700 EURO!! Offered very cheap!!

40434 Great Britain covers 1868-1869.


Nice lot covers, all franked with 4d orange: 11x single franking and 6x double franking, with complete contents, all sent to Dreyfus in Paris, 1868/1869. Interesting lot!

40360 Thematics scouting 1918-2010.


Very extensive mainly mint never hinged collection sets, sheetlets, blocs, kleinbogen, including much better, new issues, gold- and silver, 1956 Egypt perf sheetlets, 1963 Cyprus sheetlet etc. etc. Also nice part covers, cancellations, housed in 22 volumes + loose, in 2 big removal boxes. Excellent collection to continue!

40464 Saudi Arabia 1934-1997.


Messy, but nicely filled, mint hinged and used, multiple stamp collection Saudi Arabia 1934-1997 on various types of album pages in springback.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40373 Bund and Berlin markenheftchenbogen.


Nice lot of approx. 160 complete, MNH Markenheftchenbogen of Bundespost and Berlin in 5 large sheet albums. Catalogue value approx. 40,000 euros!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).