40421 Luxembourg 1852-1999.


Well filled, MNH mint hinged and used stamp collection Luxembourg 1852-1999, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 240-244*, 245-249*, 252-256*, 259-264*, 266-280* (intellectuals), 284-289*, 478-483, 488-489, 490-494**, souvenir sheet 1* (!), 7*, etc. in Davo album.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40402 New Zealand 1862-2002.


Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection New Zealand 1862-2002, from 1935 for 99% complete, including souvenir sheets, Ross Dependency, back of the book etc. in 2 Davo albums.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40416 Europa CEPT 1956-1991.


Complete (2 insignificant sets are missing), MNH stamp collection Europe CEPT 1956-1991, including souvenir sheets in 2 luxe Leuchtturm albums.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40401 New Zealand 1969-1993.


Almost complete, mainly MNH stamp collection New Zealand 1969-1993, including souvenir sheets, back of the book etc. in Davo album.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40377 Israel 1995.


Folder with 50 FDC’s of Israel 1995 with MS1 (1st sheet of 10). Rare! Catalogue value Bale $250 each. Total catalogue value thus $12,500

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40403 New Zealand 2003-2008.


Folder with 18 MNH ‘best of’ sheets of New Zealand 2003-2008. Scarce sheets, high catalogue value!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40412 Great Britain definitives 1971-2010.


Collection of over 170 definitives of Great Britain 1971-2010, all with black stripe (post office training stamps) on stockpages in folder.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40393 Paraguay 1870-2007.


Fantastic, specialised, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Paraguay 1870-2007, including proofs, imperforate stamps, souvenir sheets, plate flaws, back of the book etc. In 5 Schaubek albums.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40396 Austria 1850-2022!


Very well filled, cancelled stamp collection Austria 1850-2022, including better stamps such as (Michel no’s): 156, 161-177, 512-517, 524-529, 545-550, 551-554, 623-626 and period 1945-2022 99% complete, in 5 Leuchtturm albums.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40414 Thematics blindness(!) 1937-2021!!


Wonderful mainly mint never hinged collection of this unusual thematic, with many sets, sheetlets, booklets, blocs, imperfs, personalised stamps, epreuves etc. etc. in 4 albums with descriptions + stockbook. Great collection, offered very cheap!

40413 Netherlands complete 2002-2024!!


Complete mint never hinged collection in post office presentation packs (PTT-mapjes), from 2002 right up to June 2024 including the scarce crypto issue and the other hard to get new issues, still in it’s original post office envelopes. The face value alone (without surcharge + the extra fee for the packs) is over 2800 euro!! Offered far below face value!!

40411 Netherlands complete 2002-2024!!


In the mainnumbers complete mint never hinged collection as issued by the post office, sets and sheetlets, right up to June 2024(!!), still in original envelopes of the post. The face value alone is over 2400 euro!! Offered well below face value!!