40752 French Zone 1945-1949.
£600Complete, cancelled stamp collection French Zone 1945-1949, including souvenir sheets in Lindner album with slipcase. Unfortunately partly with fake cancels, but also good material such as (Michel no’s): Baden 28-37, 38-41 fake cancel, 42-46 fake cancel, 50-52, souvenir sheet 1A (genuine, certificate), 1B (genuine, certificate), (also 1A and 1B with fake cancel), souvenir sheet 3 (with special Henri Dunant cancel), Rheinland-Pfalz 32-41, souvenir sheet 1, Württemberg 40-43 (Schlegel certificate), 44-46, souvenir sheet 1 with fake cancel, etc.
40720 India and States supercollection 1854-1949.
£8,950Very well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection India and States 1854-1949, including beautiful classic part including first issues and many good stamps such as (Stanley Gibbons no’s): 66, 107-109*, 107-109, 140*, 142*, 144, 146, 190*, 191, 218, 219, 247-264*, 305-308** (Gandhi), service 19, 47**, 96, China expeditionary force (C.E.F. overprint) 1-10*, 11**, Chamba 106*, 107*, Gwalior 100, 101, Jind 102*, 103*, in thick Scott album. Also material from other countries present, such as Pakistan 1-19*, 24-43* with different perforations, 44-51**, service 1-13*, 14-26*, Abu Dhabi 1-11**, etc.
40749 Switzerland 1882-2008.
£850Apparently complete, canceled stamp collection Switzerland 1882-2008 in good quality, including Pax set, but without back of the book, in Davo album.
40758 Great Britain 1841-1969.
£450Nicely filled, mainly used stamp collection Great Britain 1841-1969 in Davo luxe album.
40751 United Nations Vienna and Geneva 1969-2007.
£450Complete, MNH stamp collection United Nations Vienna and Geneva 1969-2007, including souvenir sheets, in Davo album.
40757 Great Britain forgeries 1840-1910.
£450Stockbook with over 100 forgeries of Great Britain 1840-1910. Nice?
40754 German Zones 1945-1949.
£250Nicely filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection British-American and French Zones 1945-1949 on albumpages in folder.
40756 Gerrmany Soviet Zone Thüringen 1946.
£350Complete sheet of 200 stamps of Thuringia 1946, cancelled to request, including all gutter pairs. Never seen before, not priced in Michel.
40625 Old German States 1850-1920.
£11,000Very well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stock Old German States 1850-1920, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Baden 1-4 (4x), 5-7 (3x), 8 (5x), 12, 15 (5x), 21(*), 22, Bavaria 4 I (2x), 6 (5x), 7 (8x), 13 (6x), Württemberg 5 (thin spot), 35, etc. in Importa mammoth dealer book.
40748 Indian States 1877-1949.
£1,800Well filled, mint hinged and used stamp collection Indian States 1877-1949, including good stamps, in large, old Yvert album. Fascinating collecting area!
40640 Old German States 1849-1920.
£3,500Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used, partly double stamp collection Old German States 1849-1920, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Baden 1-4, 9-12, 13-15, 16, (21 repaired), Bavaria 1*, 3-7*, 3-7, 8-13, 14-19, 26, Bremen 3(*) in pair, (Saxony 12 false), etc. in album.
40743 German occupation WW II 1939-1945.
£1,800Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection German occupation WWII 1939-1945, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Sudetenland Rumburg 22*, 36-43* (signed), 46*, 49**, Flemish Legion I-IV**, IX-XIV*, XXI-XXIVB** in sheets (Gent Stamp Days), Laibach 1-20*, 21-28* (no. 26 missing), 29-30*, 31-32*, 33-38*, 39-44*, 45-60*, Montenegro 1-9, 10-18* (no. 14 missing), 20-28*, 29-35*, Serbia 1-15*, 26-30*31-45*, souvenir sheet 3*, 4**, Azad Hind VIIBb**, VIIBc**, etc. in stockbook.