40715 German Zones and local post 1945-1949.
£2,100Very well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection German Zones and local post 1945-1949, including many good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Soviet zone 20-22**, 20-22, 20 VII**, 22 I**, souvenir sheet 1x**, 2t**, 4**, 5X, 5Y, 5SX(*) (large format sheet in original cover), 6** (Goethe), French zone Baden 46 II*, etc. in stockbook.
40747 TAAF 1948-1993.
£900Complete, entirely MNH stamp collection TAAF 1948-1993, including all good stamps, airmail, souvenir sheets etc. in luxe Yvert album (1993 on stockpages).
40744 German Reich MNH 1872-1933.
£2,800Beautiful, completely MNH stamp collection German Reich 1872-1933, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 356-361**, 364-367**, 378-384**, 385-397**, 398-401**, 403-406**, 407-409**, 410-422**, 425-429**, 430-434**, 435-437**, souvenir sheet 1 (only stamps gummed, as issued), etc. in Lindner album.
40742 Germany 1945-1969.
£1,400Well filled, mainly MNH stamp collection Germany 1945-1969, containing good stamps such as (Michel no’s): British American Zone 52-66 I** (band print), 52-66 II** (net print), I/I-IX/I** (band print), I/II-IX/II** (net print), Bundespost 111-112**, 113-115**, 116**, 117-120**, 121-122*, 123-138** (posthorn set), 139-140**, 141-142**, 143-146**, combinations W 1-3**, WZ 1-4**, S 1-12**, etc. in Lindner album.
40665 World classic key stamps 1840-1950.
£9,850Beautiful, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection of key stamps from various countries, including (Yvert no’s): France 34*, 62(*), 156*, 252*, 256**, 321*, 354-355**, 398*, airmail 1-2*, Italy airmail 31A**, 31A, 48-49*, England 1 (penny black, 3x), Mulready envelope 1 penny unused, 87, 88, 121 (1 pound green Edward), French Congo 41a (mustard color, certificate), Germany 64 (5 Mark Reichspost, 3x), souvenir sheet 1 (Iposta), 2* (small tear), 3 (Ostropa), 7*, 7, airmail 38-39 (Zeppelin South America), 42A-43C* (Zeppelin Chicago), 42A-43C, Netherlands 29, 64, etc. in stockbook. Extreme catalogue value!
40746 France pre philately covers 1750-1850.
£700Nice, specialised collection of approx. 90 pre philately covers from France 1850-950 in album.
40054 Singapore modern MNH.
£800Nice lot of MNH sets and souvenir sheets from Singapore up to 2006, including much thematic material, in 2 stockbooks. Face value already $2300 (euro 1600), now for half face!
40728 Iceland 1876-2001.
£2,000Very well filled, almost entirely MNH stamp collection Iceland 1876-2001, including many good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 35-47** (no. 45 with hinge remnant), 48-62**, 69-75**, 94**, 96**, 97*, 98*, 114-118**, 119-120**, 121**, 122-123**, 125-140**, 142-146**, 147-149**, 161*, service 33-40** (no. 38 missing), etc. in Leuchtturm album.
40685 Saar 1920-1959.
£3,750Very extensive, MNH, mint hinged and used stock Saar 1920-1959 and French Zone including many good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Saar 16*, 104-107** (3x), 104-107*, 122-125* (2x), 135-141**, 135-141* (2x), 144-150* (3x), 151-157* (3x), 161-167* (2x), 168-170* (2x), 171-177* (2x), 267-271** (2x), 267-271*, 291** (2x), 291*, 291, 298* (2x), 298 (2x), 299-303** (2x), 299-303* (4x), 309-313** (3x), 309-313* (3x), souvenir sheet 1-2* (Hochwassehilfe, 2x), French Zone Baden 37* (3x), 38-41* (2x), 42-45* (2x), 42-45, souvenir sheet 1A**, 1A* (3x), 1B**, 1B* (3x), 2(*) (5x), Rheinland-Pfalz 42-45* (3x), 42-45, souvenir sheet 1(*) (5x), Württemberg 40-43*, 40-43, souvenir sheet 1(*) (3x), etc. in stockbook. Very high catalogue value!
40741 Germany 1943-1946.
£1,100Collection of 366 MNH stamps of Hitler 1943-1946 with various overprints, including approved material, on album pages in folder.
40710 Israel complete 1948-1976.
£5,250Beautiful, complete, MNH fulltab stamp collection Israel 1948-1976, including no. 7-9 with certificate (no. 9 with minimal hinge trace), postage dues 1-5 with certificate and further all good stamps, anti-hunger sheet etc. in Spanish Filabo album.
40736 Netherlands 1852-1944.
£425Well filled, mint hinged and used stamp collection Netherlands 1852-1944, including good stamps such as (NVPH no’s: 90-101* (no. 97 canceled), 134-135**, 212-219*, 229-231**, 244-247, 257-260, 356-373*/o, etc. in Davo luxe album with slipcase.