40724 Netherlands 1852-1971.
£375Reasonably filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Netherlands 1852-1971, in stockbook.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40729 Netherlands 1852-1988.
£550Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Netherlands 1852-1988, including good stamps such as (NVPH no’s): 29 (2x), 49, 104-105, 130-131, 136-138*, 238-239**, 244-247**, 346-349** (Konijnenburg), 356-373**, etc. in stockbook.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40718 France classic 1849-1900.
£950Lot with mainly used classic stamps of France 1849-1900, including better ones such as Yvert no’s): 115**, 122*, 123*, 257A (le Havre), etc. in folder.
40719 Switzerland 1854-1968.
£300Well filled, mint hinged and used stamp collection Switzerland 1854-1968 in unfortunately mixed quality (part of the mint stamps are partly stuck), in large Yvert album. Bargain!
40704 Marshall, Palau and Micronesia 1983-2010.
£2,350Extremely extensive, MNH stock Marshall, Palau and Micronesia 1983-2010, including many souvenir sheets, thematic material. etc. in 4 stockbooks. So many stamps, start a shop!
40701 Gibraltar 1886-2012.
£3,250Very well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stock Gibraltar 1886-2012, including many good stamps such as (Stanley Gibbons no’s): 1-6(*), 8-14* with specimen overprint, 15-21*, 22-33* (33 with Specimen overprint), 39-45*, 52*, 53* (2x), 54* with Specimen overprint, 62*, 63* (2x), 74*, 83-85* with Specimen overprint, 84*, 85*, 101* with Specimen overprint, etc. in 3 stockbooks.
40707 Malta 1860-2021!
£3,400Very extensive, mainly MNH stock Malta 1860-2021, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 10*, 10 (2x), 14*, 14 (2x), 17-23*, 24-32*, 40* (6x), 50*, 51*, 61*, 62* (2x), 64-80*, 82-94*, 101-114* (2x), 115-131*(2x), 152-168* (2x), a lot of material of the military Order of Malta etc. in 4 stockbooks.
40702 Cook Islands 1892-2012.
£1,500Extensive, mainly MNH stock Cook Islands 1892-2012 etc. in 3 stockbooks. Enormous amount of material, including many thematic stamps.
40716 Poland 1945-1989.
£900Almost complete, mainly mint hinged stamp collection Poland 1945-1989, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 399 I-X*, souvenir sheet 10*, 12*, imperforate stamps, over 100 Groszy overprints etc. in 2 Davo albums.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40717 French colonies in Africa 1897-1985.
£1,500Well-filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stock Cameroon and Togo 1897-1985, including good stamps, imperforate material, gold and silver stamps etc. in 2 stockbooks.
40708 Indonesia 1948-2018.
£2,700Extremely extensive, MNH, mint hinged and used stock Indonesia 1948-2018, including all good sets such as overprint set 1948, temple set, Ris and Riau overprints, many misprints and imperforate stamps, etc. in 3 thick stockbooks.
40632 Sovietzone and GDR complete 1945-1964.
£2,500Complete, MNH stamp collection Soviet zone and GDR 1945-1964, including all expensive stamps such as (Michel no’s): B I** (Potschta), 261-270**, 286-288**, souvenir sheet 1t**, 1x**, 2t** (certificate), 2x** (certificate), 6** (Goethe), 7** (Debria), 8-9 A/B** (Karl Marx sheets), etc. in Leuchtturm album. Nice collection!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).