38217 Japan postal stationeries 1949-2018.
£400Extensive lot of mint and used postal stationery from Japan 1949-2018 in box.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
38385 French Colonies supercollection 1859-1975.
£35,000Incredible virtually only mint/mnh collection in overal very good condition, much above average, many countries nearly complete, countries A-Z, from classic to Independance, many stamps bought as single items in auctions worldwide and from reputable dealers, starting with general colonies including the expensive issues, many cancellations, countries in Asia very powerful with China and the offices, French Colonies in Africa with the expensive classics, French Colonies in Oceania and America nearly complete etc. etc. etc. in 10 French MOC albums + stockbook. One of the best collections of French Colonies we ever had, great opportunity. Collections like these are rarely offered anywhere!!!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
38005 Italian colonies/territories 1864-1953.
£2,250Book full with goodies, better items from Cirenaica, Somalia, Oltre Giuba, Tripolitania, better old Vatican and San Marino including key stamps/sets, territories, Levant incl. better, 1864 letter from Alexandria to Naples (signed Diena) etc. Great lot with such a high concentration of goodies!!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
38380 France 1853-2004.
£5,500Wonderful mint collection, earlies including many expensive stamps mint hinged, from 1900 virtually complete and mainly mint never hinged including all the expensive stamps and sets, sheetlets 1/3, back of the book etc. etc. in 4 very wellfilled and expensive Lindner albums. Gigantic catalogue value!!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
38184 German Reich combinations 1915-1941.
£1,100Mostly mint hinged lot combinations of the German Reich 1915-1941, including better ones, in stockbook, in which also various mint hinged and used material of the German Reich. Also 3 complete, MNH ‘markenheftchenbogen’ (Michel no. 69, 71, and 72).
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
38216 Europa Cept complete 1956-2001.
£800Complete mint never hinged collection Europa Cept including the sheetlets and extra’s, in 8 expensive Lindner albums. Mega catalogue value!!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
38373 Europa Cept complete 1956-2005.
£1,400Complete mint never hinged collection including all key sets, the sheetlets, the new countries, all the hard to get and expensive new issues, housed in 7 expensive American White Ace albums. Great collection with a huge catalogue value!!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
38362 Venezuela 1859-1992.
£2,250Almost complete, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Venezuela 1859-1992, including airmail, souvenir sheets and various extras, in 2 albums.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
38359 Dutch east Indies 1860-1962.
£800Well filled, mint hinged and used stamp collection Dutch East Indies 1860-1962 on album pages in folder, containing many good stamps and also Netherlands New Guinea.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
38363 World better stamps 1856-1940.
£1,300Better, MNH, mint hinged and used stamps of many countries such as Scandinavia, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, etc. on stock pages in folder.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
38361 World 1930s.
£1,400Nice, mostly mint hinged stamp collection World 1930s from A to Z in 2 blank albums, in which better stamps, many omnibus 1935 issues of British territories etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
38337 Ireland covers 1721 (!)-1922.
£2,250Beautiful, extensive collection of covers from Ireland 1721-1922 County Donegal on album pages with descriptions.
klik hier voor alle foto’s (opent in apart scherm).