37770 Latin America 1855-1990


A lifetime’s effort mostly on computer generated pages with the strength being in the mostly NH sets and singles of the 1960s/90s from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Rep, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Venezuela, etc., additional collections of Bolivia, Costa Rica, Haiti, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Salvador, etc. plus some countries additional duplicates in stock books, also note some premium 1930s/50s sets of Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, etc., usual mixed condition in the early issues, a good percentage of the stamps are loose and have not been mounted on the page, so lots of work still needs to be done, in 25 homemade albums, in 5 boxes. Offered very cheap!!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

37682 Netherlands Antilles.


Extremely overcomplete, MNH stamp collection Netherlands Antilles 1949-2010, including combinations, sheets, double sheets etc. in 8 albums. Also an album with Aruba until 2003 present. Purchase value has been huge!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

37745 Argentina covers 1851-1986.


Wonderful collection covers from classic to new including interesting pre-stamp covers, good classics, censor, airmail, destinations, also first day covers from old onwards, in 4 albums and loose. Very large quantity including much better!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

37736 USA territories pre-cancels 1959-1995.


Wonderful specialised collection of pre-cancels of a.o. Marshall Islands, Palau and Micronesia, on single stamps, multiples, on booklets, on cover and on postal stationery, in 5 albums. Includes very scarce material, the previous owner spent over U.S. $ 19.200(!!!!) to get this collection together (list with purchases included in lot). Now available at a bargain price!!!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

37634 Peru 1992-1993.


Unissued, MNH stamps of Peru 1992-1993 in numbers on stock cards. Nice?

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

37718 USA military covers 1914-1970.


Massive collector accumulation of mainly 1st and 2nd worldwar, army and navy, estimated several thousand(!) items, including interesting 1st worldwar covers with content, v-mail, also covers of the period after WWII, unpicked and partly unsorted, alo ration books, draft cards any you name it. Great lot to play with!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

37704 Central and Latin Amerika 1855-2005.


Very wellfilled mint/used/mint never hinged collections of Mexico, Cuba, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Costa Rica, Dominica and Salvador, all reasonably to very complete incl. so many good sets, singles and sheetlets, strong classics, also nice covers, housed in 13 homemade albums. Great collection to continue!!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

37668 USA Christmas seals on cover 1908-2009.


Incredible collection of this sought after material, partly specialised, many seals are cancelled on cover (against regulations!), also better other cinderella’s on cover, in total 230+ items, seldom offered so extensive!!!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

37449 New Foundland 1857-1947.


Small, mint hinged (partly without gum) stamp collection New Foundland 1857-1947 on stockpages in folder, containing good classic material and better stamps such as (Yvert no’s): 48-61(*), 63-70(*), 89-99* , 117-130*, 131-145* (no’s 138 and 140 are missing), 167-185*, 187-200*, airmail 6-8*, 13-17*, postage dues 1-6* etc.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

37412 El Salvador trains 1891-1930.


Nice collection of 47 mint postal stationery from El Salvador 1891-1930, all with motif trains, in homemade album.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

37228 Cuba 1855-2009.


Almost complete, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Cuba 1855-2009, including extensive classic part, better stamps, souvenir sheets, back of the book, etc. in 5 albums.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

37215 Argentina 1858-2003.


Very well filled, mint hinged and used (also some MNH material) stamp collection Argentina 1858-2003 including better stamps, souvenir sheets, back of the book, in 2 homemade albums.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).