29422 Dutch east Indies cancels.


Collection cancels of Dutch east Indies on over 2700 stamps and 34 covers in 2 ordners. Collection contains mostly material after 1930, including Japanese occupation and interimperiod.

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25640 Indonesia 1962-1995.


Almost complete, only MNH collection Indonesia 1962-1995 in Davo album, including Riau set MNH, good souvenir sheets etc. The stamps are put in the album with photo-corners.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

23873 China FDC’s 1993-1996.


Dealerstock FDC’s China 1993-1996 in large box. Lot contains ca. 3000 FDC’s, including many souvenir sheets on FDC likes (Michel no’s): souvenir sheet 69 (over 200x), 75 (200x), 76 (ca. 150x), etc. Ideal lot for reseller or ebay, high cat. value!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

13031 Indonesia 1970-1984.


MNH, totally complete collection Indonesia 1970-1984 in fat stockbook. Collection is complete including all the souvenir sheets, amongst which naturally the expensive ones like ape-sheets, tennis-sheets and football-sheets etc. Cat. value (Zonnebloem) 3162,65 euros.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

19584 India service covers.


Collection several hundreds of service covers of India in 2 ordners. Contains covers of the period 1968-1972, both with and without frankings. Interesting collection!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).