38399 Austria 1945-1950.


Stockbook with better MNH issues of Austria 1945-1950, such as (Michel no’s): 674-696** (Hitler overprints), 952-54**, 893-926** (2x), 929-932** (5x) , 937-940** (4x), 960-963**, including duplicates in stockbook, which also contains some Bundespost stamps. Catalogue value over 6500 euros!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

38237 Austria 1850-1918.


Well filled, somewhat specialised, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Austria 1850-1918 on Leuchtturm albumpages in folder.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

38224 Austria 1922-2006.


Almost complete, mostly MNH and mint hinged stamp collection Austria 1922-2006 in 4 albums, containing very many good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 418-424*, 433-441*, 442-446*, 468-487*, 512-517 *, 518-523* (Rotary), 524-529**, 545-550*, 551-554*, 557-562*, 567-587*, 693-696*, 952-954**, 591-596 **, 617-622*, 623-626**, etc.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

37960 Austria and territories 1850-1984.


Beautiful, almost complete, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Austria and territories 1850-1984, including beautiful classic material and many good stamps and souvenir sheets such as (Michel no’s): 17 (certificate), 23 (certificate), 41, 156*, 161-177* (167 and 172 canceled), 289B** (perf. 11½, signed), 289C** (perf. 11½:12½, signed), 468-487* (no. 477 missing), 512-517*, 518 -523** (Rotary), 524-529**, 545-550*, 551-554, 555A* (WIPA, plain paper), 555B* (WIPA fiber paper), 557-562, 588** (Dolfus, certificate), 591-596*, Va-Vd* (Hitler overprints, signed), 893-896* (Hitler overprints, signed), 772-775B** (Renner imperforate), 984-987, souvenir sheet 1** (WIPA sheet , with original cover, in which the block was glued to the edge, as issued), etc. Also many Austrian areas present. Very nice collection, enormous catalogue value!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

37904 Austria and territories 1850-1980.


Nicely filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Austria and territories 1850-1980, including better stamps such as Wipa (mint hinged) and Rotary set (mint hinged), in Marini album with slipcase.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

37894 Austria covers 1896-1922.


Wonderful collection of 89 old covers including better frankings, high values, registered and expresse, censor, parcelcards with good frankings including sent to Constantinople, in album.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

37675 Austria 1850-2019!


With the exception of the top stamps (Dolfus, Wipa) almost complete, at first mainly cancelled, from 2002 entirely MNH stamp collection Austria 1850-2019, including back of the book and Austrian territories, in 4 Davo albums.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

37723 Austria 1945-2018!!


Massive mint never hinged and used collection, collected mainly double, including the good sets of the 40/50’s, modern part very extensive with sets, sheetlets, blocs, booklets, all kinds of limited editions (also with imperfs proofs etc. must have cost a fortune), in 6 albums/stockbooks. Mega catalogue value and face value!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

37681 Austria 1960-2017!


Almost complete, MNH stamp collection Austria 1960-2017, including souvenir sheets in 3 luxe Leuchtturm albums.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

37390 Austria local overprints 1945.


Wonderful specialised collection of this sought after material incl. many different types of overprints, many varieties, much material in multiples, in album with descriptions, great lot!!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

37563 Austrian Levant 1864-1914.


Overcomplete, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Austrian Levant 1864-1914, including good stamps, back of the book, some covers and postal stationery, in stockbook.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

37009 Austria 1945-2011.


In the mainnumbers complete collection, mostly double, incl. the better sets of the 40/50’s, several extra’s like blackprints + some imperfs, modern part incl. sheetlets etc. with massive face value, in 9 expensive Lindner albums. Great collection!!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).