40841 Belgian Congo/Urundi 1886-1960.
£850Well filled, mint hinged and cancelled stamp collection Belgian Congo/Urundi 1886-1960, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Congo 13, II-III*, 24-25, 26-30, Belgian Congo 110-118*, souvenir sheet 3-10*, etc. on albumpages in folder.
40839 Belgian Congo 1886-1960.
£650Almost complete, mint hinged stamp collection Belgian Congo 1886-1960 including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Congo 11(*), 12-13*, 26-30*, Belgian Congo 33-41* (red cross), etc. on Yvert albumpages in folder.
40815 Belgium 1849-1965.
£4,200Complete except for 1 stamp (5 Francs Leopold missing), mint hinged (classic part also somewhat cancelled), stamp collection Belgium 1849-1965 in neat quality, in Philac album. No souvenir sheets or back of the book present.
40690 Belgium dealer stock 1849-2022!!
£9,750Fantastic mainly used and mint never hinged dealerstock in quantities, very powerful classics in quantities, mainly very good condition, also the expensive sets and singles multiple present, huge amount of mnh face value in quantities, sheetlets from early to very recent, very powerful back of the book, many extra’s like gutterpairs, black prints etc. etc. in 9 overfull doublethick stockbooks. Incredible catalogu value and retail value, offered very cheap!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40578 Burundi 1962-1973.
£400Almost complete, MNH and mint hinged stamp collection Burundi 1962-1973, including souvenir sheets, imperforate material etc. in blank album.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40424 Belgium 1882-1983 back of the book.
£575MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection back of the book of Belgium 1882-1983, in which good stamps such as (Michel nos): Belgian military post in Rhineland 1-17*, Eupen & Malmédy 1-7*, Eupen 1-17* (no. 7 cancelled), postage dues 1-5*, Malmédy 1-17* (no. 6 canceled), postage dues 1-5*, newspaper parcel stamps 1-19*, etc. in Davo album with slipcase.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40038 Benelux 1849-1970.
£2,000Mint/used/mint never hinged collections Belgium (several collections), Belgian Congo, Luxemburg and Dutch colonies, in 4 reasonably to very wellfilled Scott albums. Many good pickings present!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40192 Belgium and Luxembourg classic 1849-1900.
£850Small, cancelled collection of classic stamps of Belgium and Luxembourg 1849-900 on stockpages in folder,
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40189 Belgium classic covers 1851-1863.
£650Collection of 8 classic covers from Belgium 1851-1863, including high frankings, in folder. From correspondence.
39915 Belgian Congo 1886-1961.
£2,800Very well filled, somewhat specialised, MNH, mint hinged and used, partly double stamp collection Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi 1886-1961, including many good stamps such as (OBP no’s): 6-13*, 13A*, 13B, CP4-5*, 27*, 28*, 30-39, 40-49, 54-63*, 72-80*, 106-117**, souvenir sheet 2**, Ruanda Urundi 81-89(*), etc. in Davo luxe album with slipcase.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
39229 Belgium Boudewijn with glasses 1952-1975.
£1,500Beautiful, specialised, MNH stamp collection Belgium Boudewijn with glasses 1952-1975, containing all expensive issues in numbers, plate numbers, colors, paper types, etc. etc. in Safe album.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
38194 Belgium souvenir sheets 1962-1964.
£200Mint stock souvenir sheets of Belgium 1962-1964 in box, in which Michel sheet 27, 29 and 30 (all 500x) and sheet 31 (465x). Catalogue value 7600 euro, now for less than 3%!