35142 Better stamps of various countries 1850-1920.
£750Stockbook with better, mint hinged and used stamps of various European countries, such as (Michel no’s): Spain 217, 227, 254*, 267-279*, Portugal 109-123*/o, Monaco 6, 21, Switzerland, Dutch New Guinea jubilee set 1923 mint hinged, Suriname jubilee set 1923 mint hinged, etc. High catalogue value!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
35070 European countries 1860-2018.
£4,500Several **/*/0 country collections of many harder to find countries like Bosnia, Serbia, Ukraine, Macedonia, Azerbadjan, Belarus, Slovenia, Slowakia etc. etc. Includes better old material, more modern with (better) sets and sheetlets, thematics. Nice collection to continue!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34606 Eastern Europe modern till 2006.
£300Folder with MNH, modern sets and souvenir sheets up to 2006 from, among others, Georgia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Belarus, Russia etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
34203 Europe new issues to 2010.
£1,500Canceled and FDC lot new issues from various European countries up to 2010, including Italy, Baltic States (from 1918), Slovenia, Macedonia, Bosnia, Croatia, etc. Most stamps still in original packaging. Novelties price approx. 9000 euros!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
33991 European countries 1851-ca. 1920.
£575Mint hinged and used, classic stamp collection European countries 1851-1920 on Yvert album pages in binder.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
33963 Eastern Europe 1860-1992.
£400Mint hinged and used stamp collection Eastern Europe 1860-1992 on albumpages in folder, in which nice Baltic States and Russia.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
31915 Western Europe souvenir sheets and stamp booklets on FDC.
£500Nice, unusual collection FDC’s of (mostly) Western Europe with souvenir sheets and stamp booklets. Contains material of manydifferent countries. Also some MNH sheets present.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
28155 Balkans 1866-1943.
£600Album with a mint hinged and used collection countries from the Balkans like Serbia, Montenegro, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
23149 Europe.
£850Stockbook with various MNH, mint hinged and used material of various European countries, including better material of Belgium, France, Czechoslovakia (a.p. Michel souvenir sheet 17 II**), Hungary etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).