40692 French postoffices in China 1880-1947.


Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stock French post offices in China 1880-1947, including good stamps, but unfortunately also some Fournier forgeries, in stockbook.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40730 French colonies 1888-1975.


Well filled, mint hinged and cancelled stamp collection French colonies 1888-1975, including good stamps such as (Yvert no’s): Afrique Equatoriale 72-76*, Alaouites 1-15*, 35-40*, Alexandria 19-33*, Crete 1-15*, Dahomey 26*, 115-119*, postage dues 1-8*, Lebanon 1-14*, 22-38*, 122-127*, airmail 1-4*, 5-8*, Guadeloupe 127-132*, French Guinea 33-47*, 153-157*, postage dues 1-7*, 8-15*, French Guyane 152-156*, Upper Volta 1-17*, Inini 1-28*, 31-35*, Kouang-Tcheou 120-124*, Madagascar 71*, 74*, 75*, 76*, 209-213*, airmail 1-14*, Martinique 170-174*, Mauritania 1-16* (no. 8 missing), 100-104*, Oubangui 1-17*, 25-42*, 63-74*, Réunion 158-162*, Rouad 4-16**, Saar 189-195*, airmail 139*, Senegal 155-159*, postage 4-11*, Soudan 105-109*, Syria 67*, 221-239*, Tchad 1-18*, Togo 84-100*, 177-181*, Tunisia 79-95*,185-204*, etc. in 5 old, large (somewhat rickety) Yvert albums.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40773 France 1961-2001.


MNH collection stamps and souvenir sheets from France 1961-2001 in thick stockbook. Bargain!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40747 TAAF 1948-1993.


Complete, entirely MNH stamp collection TAAF 1948-1993, including all good stamps, airmail, souvenir sheets etc. in luxe Yvert album (1993 on stockpages).

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40746 France pre philately covers 1750-1850.


Nice, specialised collection of approx. 90 pre philately covers from France 1850-950 in album.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40718 France classic 1849-1900.


Lot with mainly used classic stamps of France 1849-1900, including better ones such as Yvert no’s): 115**, 122*, 123*, 257A (le Havre), etc. in folder.

40717 French colonies in Africa 1897-1985.


Well-filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stock Cameroon and Togo 1897-1985, including good stamps, imperforate material, gold and silver stamps etc. in 2 stockbooks.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40666 TAAF 1948-2012.


Extremely extensive, MNH, mint hinged and cancelled stock TAAF 1948-2012, including all good stamps such as (Yvert no’s): 16** (4x), 16* (3x), 18** (5x), 18*, 20** (3x), 21** (6x), 21*, 24** (4x), 24*, 25** (4x), 26** (8x), 27** (2x), 27*, airmail 7** (8x), 8** (3x), 9** (5x), 14** (4x), 20** (3x), 20*, various souvenir sheets, stamp booklets, imperforate material etc. in thick stockbook. Gigantic catalogue value!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40515 France supercollection 1849-1996.


For 99% COMPLETE mainly MINT collection, with most key stamps and sets present in well above average condition, starting with 1849 to 1fr (15c and 20c unused), 1852: 10c and 20c, 1853/60 to 1fr (1c, 5c, 10c and 20c unused), 1862 set 1c to 80c mint, 1863/71 to 5fr (mint to 40c), 1870/71: 10c, 20c and 40c mint, 1870 Bordeaux issues including mint, 1871/1875 mint, pax and commerce including many expensive stamps mint, the good orphelin sets, high values, overprint stamps all present, back of the book with good airmails including 1/2 mint, both 50fr stamps, courrier officiel set from 1943 unused no gum set to 20fr (scarce set!), pre-cancels, sheetlets from nr. 2 onwards, telegraph, Alsace etc. etc. in 3 Yvert albums + slipcases. Incredible collection with a gigantic catalogue value!!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40572 France 1900-1955.


For 99% complete, MNH and mint hinged stamp collection France 1900-1955, including many good stamps such as (Yvert no’s): 119-123*, 124-128*, 148-155* (1st Orphelin set), 156*, 182* (Bordeaux), 216**, 252**, 256*, 257A* (le Havre), 258-262**, 269*, 348-351**, 354-355**, 398**, etc. in Davo luxe album.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40264 France red cross 1914-1999.


Well filled, mostly double (MNH/mint hinged and cancelled) stamp collection Red Cross stamps of France 1914-1999, including blocks of 4, stamp booklets, covers etc. and 3 albums.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40110 France 1849-2000.


Wonderful nearly complete used collection in mainly good condition, virtually all key issues present like 1849 to 1fr, 1853/1850 t/m 1fr, 1863 t/m 5fr, 1917/1919 orphelins t/m 5fr + 5fr etc. etc. in 6 expensive Marini albums + slipcases. Great collection with an incredible catalogue value!!!