40754 German Zones 1945-1949.
£250Nicely filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection British-American and French Zones 1945-1949 on albumpages in folder.
40625 Old German States 1850-1920.
£11,000Very well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stock Old German States 1850-1920, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Baden 1-4 (4x), 5-7 (3x), 8 (5x), 12, 15 (5x), 21(*), 22, Bavaria 4 I (2x), 6 (5x), 7 (8x), 13 (6x), Württemberg 5 (thin spot), 35, etc. in Importa mammoth dealer book.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40640 Old German States 1849-1920.
£3,500Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used, partly double stamp collection Old German States 1849-1920, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Baden 1-4, 9-12, 13-15, 16, (21 repaired), Bavaria 1*, 3-7*, 3-7, 8-13, 14-19, 26, Bremen 3(*) in pair, (Saxony 12 false), etc. in album.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40715 German Zones and local post 1945-1949.
£2,100Very well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection German Zones and local post 1945-1949, including many good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Soviet zone 20-22**, 20-22, 20 VII**, 22 I**, souvenir sheet 1x**, 2t**, 4**, 5X, 5Y, 5SX(*) (large format sheet in original cover), 6** (Goethe), French zone Baden 46 II*, etc. in stockbook.
40744 German Reich MNH 1872-1933.
£2,800Beautiful, completely MNH stamp collection German Reich 1872-1933, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 356-361**, 364-367**, 378-384**, 385-397**, 398-401**, 403-406**, 407-409**, 410-422**, 425-429**, 430-434**, 435-437**, souvenir sheet 1 (only stamps gummed, as issued), etc. in Lindner album.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40742 Germany 1945-1969.
£1,400Well filled, mainly MNH stamp collection Germany 1945-1969, containing good stamps such as (Michel no’s): British American Zone 52-66 I** (band print), 52-66 II** (net print), I/I-IX/I** (band print), I/II-IX/II** (net print), Bundespost 111-112**, 113-115**, 116**, 117-120**, 121-122*, 123-138** (posthorn set), 139-140**, 141-142**, 143-146**, combinations W 1-3**, WZ 1-4**, S 1-12**, etc. in Lindner album.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40685 Saar 1920-1959.
£3,750Very extensive, MNH, mint hinged and used stock Saar 1920-1959 and French Zone including many good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Saar 16*, 104-107** (3x), 104-107*, 122-125* (2x), 135-141**, 135-141* (2x), 144-150* (3x), 151-157* (3x), 161-167* (2x), 168-170* (2x), 171-177* (2x), 267-271** (2x), 267-271*, 291** (2x), 291*, 291, 298* (2x), 298 (2x), 299-303** (2x), 299-303* (4x), 309-313** (3x), 309-313* (3x), souvenir sheet 1-2* (Hochwassehilfe, 2x), French Zone Baden 37* (3x), 38-41* (2x), 42-45* (2x), 42-45, souvenir sheet 1A**, 1A* (3x), 1B**, 1B* (3x), 2(*) (5x), Rheinland-Pfalz 42-45* (3x), 42-45, souvenir sheet 1(*) (5x), Württemberg 40-43*, 40-43, souvenir sheet 1(*) (3x), etc. in stockbook. Very high catalogue value!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40741 Germany 1943-1946.
£1,100Collection of 366 MNH stamps of Hitler 1943-1946 with various overprints, including approved material, on album pages in folder.
40652 Berlin 1948-1990.
£300Almost complete, mainly MNH stamp collection Berlin 1948-1990, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 1-18*, 21-34 (no. 33 missing), 35-41 (UPU), 61-63* (Goethe), 68-70*, 72-73*, 75-79*, 62-66*, 101-106* and from 1955 apparently complete and MNH, in Leuchtturm album. Bargain!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40691 Germany 1928-1949.
£1,100Stamp collection Germany 1928-1949, including all Zeppelin stamps canceled (so also polar flight, Chicago and South America overprints), Olympic Games 1936 including souvenir sheets, various covers and cards etc. on album pages in folder.
40648 German Reich MNH.
£350Nice lot of MNH stamps of German Reich, including many duplicates, blocks of 4, etc., in 2 stockbooks. Catalogue value 5300 euros.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40561 Germany emergency money
£250Nice collection of emergency money (over 190 pieces) from Germany in a stockbook.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).