40836 Fiume specialised collection 1828-1919.
£1,500Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used, somewhat specialised stamp collection Fiume 1828-1919, including good stamps, covers, cards, cancels etc. in 3 volumes.
40820 Italian colonies 1893-1940.
£5,250Beautiful, mainly MNH and mint hinged stamp collection Italian colonies 1893-1940, including many good stamps such as (Michel no’s): general issues 37-52, 53-70, 76-87* (1934 football World Cup), Cirenaica 127-136**, Eritrea 11, 33-38* (Manzoni), 115-117*, 171-174**, 233-242**, Libya 35**, A62A*, parcel stamps 1-131-13*, Italian Somalia 1-7, 10-17*/o, 189-196*, 232*, Italian East Africa 21-31**, Tripoli 163-176**, 177-189**, 202-215**, 235-244*, postal receipt 1-6*, etc. in 2 albums.
40842 Fiume 1918-1942.
£350Small, MNH and mint hinged stamp collection Fiume 1918-1942, including many varieties and approved (Flasch and Bodor) material.
40797 Italy 1868-1978.
£900Very well filled, mint hinged and used, partly double stamp collection Italy 1868-1978, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 95-96**, 95-96, 97, 100-103*, 155 on piece, 157-159*, 157-159, 177-182, 183-185*, 275-278*, 285-294*, 362-368*, 373-384 (383 mint hinged), 413, 415-434, 445-446*, 494-513*, 547-559*/o, 576-590* (no. 590 missing), 604-619, 772*, 773, 797, 830-831*, 830-831 (2x), 838*, nice back of the book, including Trieste, in Schaubek album.
40670 Italian colonies 1892-1987.
£6,650Very well filled, mainly MNH and mint hinged stamp collection Italian colonies 1892-1987, including many good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Italian colonies (general issues) 37-52*, 76-87* (WC football), Italian Cyrenaica 5-10*, 11-16** (Manzoni), 15, 16, 25A** (perforation 13½), 67-70*, 103-108*, 127-136*, Cyrenaica 1-13*, Eritrea 11, 24**, 31-32*, 74-79* (Manzoni), 136**, 171-174*, 233-242*, 243-252*, postage dues 13-25**, Italian East Africa 1-20*, 21-31*, postage dues 1-13*, Oltre Giuba 1-15*, 41-43**, postage dues 1-10*, Italian Tripolitania 206-222*, 235-244*, Italian Somalia 10-17*, 24-29**, 57-62* (Manzoni), 99*, 144-147*, postage dues 42-54*, Italian Libya 1-15*. Libya 1-13*, 24-33*, 34-46*, 163-176*, 177-189*, etc. in 2 Scott albums with slipcases.
40607 Italian territories Trentino/Venezia 1918.
£1,100Small, mainly mint hinged stamp collection Italian areas Julian Venice and Trentino 1918, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Julian Venice 1-16*, Trentino 11-A17* (no. 5 and 14 missing, A17, 3x genuine?), 18-26*, postage dues 1-9*, etc. on albumpages in folder.
40645 Italian territories and colonies 1874-1954.
£4,500Very well filled, MNH and mint hinged stamp collection Italian territories and colonies 1874-1954, including many good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Fiume 18-25*, 98-113*/o, 154-167*, postage dues 2*, 3*, 4-12*, Carnaro 13*, 15*, 19*, 20-25 (Arbe), 28-33 (Veglia), Aegean Islands 24-25*, 63-69* (gum discoloured), 88-97* (Garibaldi, all 13 different islands), 98-104*, 121-122*, 137-145* (WC football), 146-156*, 166-172*, 221-224*, Trieste Zone A, etc. in Scott album with slipcase.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40655 Somalia 1903-2002.
£2,400Very well filled, mainly MNH and mint hinged stock of (Italian) Somalia 1903-2002, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Italian Djubaland (Oltre Giuba) 1-15* (2x), 21-22*, 41-43* (2x), postal receipt 1-6* (2x), postage dues 1-10* (2x), Italian Somalia 20-23*, 63-64*, postage dues 31-41*, Somalia 24-30** (3x), souvenir sheet 3** (2x), 4** (3x), British Somalia 70-73* (3x), 77-88* (2x), 121-131* (3x), etc. in 2 thick stockbooks.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40570 Italy RSI complete 1943-1946.
£3,950Complete mainly mint collection including all key stamps and sets in wonderful fresh condition, 1944 GNR overprint set to 50 lire fine mint (high values + cert), 1944 airmails with GNR overprints (2L cert), 1944 overprints including Sassone 495A and 500 with cert, parcel post sets, postage due set, set with propaganda labels, military stamp etc. on albumpages, in folder. Very pretty collection, massive catalogue value.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40315 Italian Levant 1874-1912.
£4,000Almost complete, mint hinged stamp collection Italian Levant 1874-1912, including many good stamps such as (Michel no’s): general issues 3*, 5*, 10*, Jerusalem 20-27*, Janina 20-27*, Saloniki 20-27*, Smirne 20-27*, etc. on album pages in folder.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40425 Italian colonies 1893-1943.
£5,950Very well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Italian colonies 1893-1943, including many good stamps such as (Michel no’s): general issues 19, 37-52*, 53-70, 76-87** (WC football), Cirenaica 5-10*, 67-70*, 103-108**, 109-110**, 127-138**, Eritrea 132-136*,233-242**, Libya 43-44*, many Aegean islands, etc. in Marini album with slipcase.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40415 Italian territories and occupations 1914-1945.
£6,250Very well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used lot Italian areas and occupations 1914-1945, including many better stamps such as (Michel no’s): Greek occupation Northern Epirus 18-27** (2x). 28-37*, Italian occupation Montenegro 13*, 14*, extensive part Polish legion, Campione, Kefalonia and Ithaka (many signed Diena), etc. in 2 stockbooks. Exciting lot, very high catalogue value!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).