35183 German Reich perfins 1880-1945.
£850Stockbook with approx. 2400 perfins of the German Reich 1880-1945, including better and also perfins on better stamps.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
35184 France 1849-1993.
£1,400Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection France 1849-1993 in 2 Davo albums, in which better stamps such as (Yvert no’s): 6, 122, 128*, 152, 156*, 162-169**, 216**, 229 -232*, 252, 257A* (le Havre), 261**, 262*, 266-268*. 308**, 354-355, 398**, 867-872**, 1027-1032*, etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
35186 Great Britain 1952-1972.
£575Beautiful, specialised, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Great Britain 1952-1972 in luxe Safe album, in which Wilding stamps specialised, plate flaws, varieties, missing phosphor etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
35179 Oberschlesien 1920.
£1,200Beautiful, mint hinged and used stamp collection Oberschlesien 1920, in which many (rare) overprint varieties such as (Michel no’s): 10F* (5 pf. on 15 pf., 4x), 10F (idem, canceled, 4x), 10 IX*, 11 VII *, etc. High catalogue value!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
35187 Netherlands PTT presentation packs 1982-2019!
£1,700Complete collection PTT prsentation packs of the Netherlands 1982-2019 (no. 1-604) in 13 Importa albums. Face value over 1790 euros. Now under face and the albums and guilder stamps for free!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
35144 Netherlands PTT presentation packs 1982-2021!
£1,900Complete collection PTT prsentation packs of the Netherlands 1982-june 2021 (no. 1-636b) in 12 Davo albums with slipcases. Face value over 1990 euros. Now under face and the albums and guilder stamps for free!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
35163 Great Britain 1840-1980.
£6,000Beautiful, mint hinged and (mainly) used lot of Great Britain 1840-1980 in thick stockbook, in which very many better classic stamps in numbers such as (Stanley Gibons no’s): 127 plate 2, 163 (1 shilling brown, 31x!), 178* (2x ), 178 (7x), 180 (4x), 183 (3x), 189 (10x), 190 (14x), 260 (6x), 264 (8x), 265, 266 (1 pound green Edward), some face value material , service stamps, etc. Catalogue value 80,000 pounds (approx. 95,000 euros)!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
35165 Switzerland and Luxembourg key stamps.
£1,800Nice, MNH, mint hinged and used lot of better stamps and souvenir sheets of Switzerland (including Pax set MNH 2x), Luxembourg and some Australia. Catalogue value over 23000 euros, now for less than 8%!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
35162 Baltic States 1919-1999.
£250MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Baltic States 1919-1999 in stockbook.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
35142 Better stamps of various countries 1850-1920.
£750Stockbook with better, mint hinged and used stamps of various European countries, such as (Michel no’s): Spain 217, 227, 254*, 267-279*, Portugal 109-123*/o, Monaco 6, 21, Switzerland, Dutch New Guinea jubilee set 1923 mint hinged, Suriname jubilee set 1923 mint hinged, etc. High catalogue value!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
35135 Old German States and German Reich 1849-1923.
£5,450Very well filled, mint hinged and used stamp collection Old German States and German Reich 1849-1923 in stockbook, including many better stamps such as (Michel no’s): Baden 1 (2x), 14, 16, Bavaria 1, 4, 7 (2x), 13 (2x), 18, Brunswick 12, Prussia, Saxony 12, Württemberg 1 (2x), 20 (missing corner perf), 34, 35, German Reich 37 in canceled gutterpair, 37 in strip of 3, 39-44**, 66 II* (5 marks Reichspost), etc. High catalogue value!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
35110 Sweden 1891-1980.
£8,750Beautiful, mainly MNH and mint hinged collector’s accumulation Sweden 1891-1980 in 12 stockbooks and various stockpages, in which many better sets, including both UPU sets 1924, each 11x (!).
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).