40768 Switzerland (combinations from) souvenir sheets 1914-2021.


Almost complete, MNH stamp collection combinations from souvenir sheets and several souvenir sheets of Switzerland 1914-2021 in album. The collection contains a.o. (Michel no’s): 405-407** in complete sheet and all different combinations, 590-591** in complete sheet (Pro Juventute 1953) (Markenheftchenbogen 42), souvenir sheet 1** (Naba 1934), 2**, 5**, etc.

40769 Switzerland (combinations from) souvenir sheets 1914-2023!


Well filled, mainly cancelled stamp collection of combinations from souvenir sheets and some souvenir sheets from Switzerland 1914-2023 in album.

40749 Switzerland 1882-2008.


Apparently complete, canceled stamp collection Switzerland 1882-2008 in good quality, including Pax set, but without back of the book, in Davo album.

40719 Switzerland 1854-1968.


Well filled, mint hinged and used stamp collection Switzerland 1854-1968 in unfortunately mixed quality (part of the mint stamps are partly stuck), in large Yvert album. Bargain!

40628 Switzerland pro juventute/patria complete 1912-1959.


Wonderful mint/mint never hinged collection, complete including the rare 1912 set fine mint never hinged, the better pro patria sheetlets etc. on albumpages, in folder.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40392 Switzerland soldierstamps 1939-1945.


MNH, mint hinged and cancelled stamp collection of Swiss soldier stamps 1939-1945, including souvenir sheets, imperforate stamps etc. in 3 Davo Kosmos albums.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40373 Bund and Berlin markenheftchenbogen.


Nice lot of approx. 160 complete, MNH Markenheftchenbogen of Bundespost and Berlin in 5 large sheet albums. Catalogue value approx. 40,000 euros!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40438 Sweden and Switzerland better stamps 1850-1990.


Stockbook with various, MNH, mint hinged and used material from Sweden and Switzerland 1850-1990, including better stamps, classic material from Switzerland, blocks of 4, stamp booklets, face value material etc.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40385 Switzerland 1907-1983.


For 99% complete, MNH stamp collection Switzerland 1907-1983, including all expensive stamps such as (Michel no’s): 110**, 142**, 145**, 152**, 226**, 227**, (228*, not counted), 233-234x**, 233-234z**, 447-459** (Pax set), souvenir sheet 1** (Naba 1934), 5**, 6**, 8**, 9**, 11**, 12**, 14**, etc., in Leuchtturm album.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40369 Switzerland 1850-2004.


Almost complete. MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Switzerland 1850-2004, including many good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 8 II, 12, 45-49 (white paper), 128-129, 152 (certificate), 447-459 (Pax set, 5 Francs with certificate), souvenir sheet 1 (Naba 1934, certificate), 2, 2** in block of 4, 5**, 6**, 7**, 8**, 9**, 10**, 11**, 12 on FDC, 14, etc. in 2 albums.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40218 Switzerland 1926-2016.


Almost complete, mainly MNH stamp collection Switzerland 1926-2016 in 2 Leuchtturm albums and 1 stockbook. Huge face value, offered below face!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40198 Switzerland better stamps 1854-1913.


Small lot of better stamps from Switzerland 1854-1913, including (Michel no’s): 45-49 (numeric stamps, white paper), 61B (standing Helvetia, 40 cents, perforation 9¾:9¼), 63B (standing Helvetia, 1 Franc, perforation 9¾:9¼), I-III (Pro Juventute frorerunners 1912), 145, airmail VIII, etc. on stockpages in folder.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).