40674 Mauritius 1859-1998.


Reasonably filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stock Mauritius 1859-1998 in thick stockbook. Lots of material!

40054 Singapore modern MNH.


Nice lot of MNH sets and souvenir sheets from Singapore up to 2006, including much thematic material, in 2 stockbooks. Face value already $2300 (euro 1600), now for half face!

40702 Cook Islands 1892-2012.


Extensive, mainly MNH stock Cook Islands 1892-2012 etc. in 3 stockbooks. Enormous amount of material, including many thematic stamps.

40669 British colonies 1863-1972.


Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Grenada and British Honduras 1863-1972, including good stamps such as (Stanley Gibbons no’s): Grenada 48-55* (48 cancelled), 152-163* with specimen perforation, British Honduras 3(*), 4, 28*, 63*, 91**, 109*, 137 (with perfin), 150-161**, 179-190*, 202-213*, etc. on albumpages in folder.

40676 Jamaica 1860-1981.


Almost complete, mainly MNH and mint hinged stamp collection Jamaica 1860-1981, including good stamps such as (Stanley Gibbons no’s): 78-89*, 94-106*, 121-133a** with various perforations, 143-144**, etc. on album pages in folder.

40684 Montserrat 1876-2005.


Well filled, mainly MNH stock Montserrat 1876-2005, in thick stockbook.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40693 Gilbert & Ellice 1912-2008.


Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stock Gilbert & Ellice 1912-2008, including Kribati, in thick stockbook.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40617 Nigeria 1914-1994.


Very extensive mint/used/mnh collection, earlies including all key stamps, shades, perfs, partly multiple, modern part including imperfs, misperfs, missing colors and many other varieties, in 2 stockbooks. Great collection!

40565 Nigeria supercollection 1859-1912.


The best collection Nigeria we ever had, virtually complete with so many rarities in mainly wonderful condition, most items bought as single auction loots, now your opportunity tu buy an unique collection, starting with Lagoswith 1874 set to 1sh(both types!), 1876 to 1sh, 1884 to 10sh, 1887, 1904 and 1904/5 to 10sh, incredible oil rivers with many certs, including SG 7, 7c, 9, 11, 12, 13/13a in pair, 14, 17/21, 25, 29 bloc of 4 with variety, 30/33, 35, 37, 38, Inger Coast portectorate with the key stamps and many bisects on piece, overprints with certs, British stamps with cancels, Northern and Southern Nigeria with all key stamps, in mainly very good condition, in stockbook. Many stamps were bought for FULL catalogue value or more. Catalogue value is estimaterd between 50/60.000 POUND = 60/70.000 EURO!! Ex. collection Ponti, Italy

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40671 Fiji 1871-2011.


Extensive, MNH, mint hinged and cancelled stock of Fiji 1871-2011, including nice classic part and much modern thematic material in a thick stockbook.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40672 AAT 1957-2014.


Extensive, MNH, mint hinged and cancelled stock of Australian Antarctica 1957-2014, Ross Dependency and some Victorialand in fat stockbook.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

40602 Oil Rivers protectorate 1892.


Nice, old (1969) auction lot with expensive and rare cancellations of Oil Rivers protectorate 1892, on albumpage in folder.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).