40610 Rhodesia 1891-1998.
£5,250Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stock Rhodesia 1891-1998, including many good stamps such as (Stanley Gibbons no’s): 10, 12 (fiscal cancel), 13(*) with perfin, 13* (small repair), 73, 73 with perfin, 90 (2x), 94-99*, etc. and also from Northern and Southern Rhodesia, Nyassaland, Zimbabwe etc. in thick stockbook. Enormous catalogue value!
40778 Cook Islands 1960-2019!
£1,400Beautiful, MNH collection of stamps, souvenir sheets and back of the book from Cook Islands 1960-2019 in 4 selfmade albums.
40777 Pahang 1891-1965.
£450Well filled, mainly mint hinged stamp collection Pahang 1891-1965 on blank albumpages in folder.
40782 Biafra specialised 1968-1970.
£2,500Fantastic, specialised, multiple, MNH, mint hinged and cancelled stamp collection Biafra 1968-1970, including many good items such as (Stanley Gibbons no’s): 4-16 multiple (cat. £425 per set), 5a** (double overprint), 12b** (red overprint missing, 2x), 13a** (red overprint missing, 2x), 14b** (black overprint missing), 14c** (double red overprint, 2x), 16a** (black overprint missing), 20a** (blue colour missing), 20b** (red colour missing, 2x), 36a** (green and orange colour missing), etc. Also many varieties not listed in catalogue, imperforated material, proofs etc. on stockpages in small box.
40759 New Zealand 1862-2012.
£1,750Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and cancelled, partly double stamp collection New Zealand 1862-2012, including many souvenir sheets, Ross Dependency, etc. in 3 Davo albums.
40658 Singapore 1948-2006.
£1,650Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and cancelled stock of Singapore 1948-2006, including many souvenir sheets and stampbooklets in 2 stockbooks.
40762 New Zealand 1873-2013.
£1,400Very well filled, mainly MNH stamp collection New Zealand 1873-2013, from 1945 almost complete, in 3 Davo albums. Recommended!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40674 Mauritius 1859-1998.
£1,100Reasonably filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stock Mauritius 1859-1998 in thick stockbook. Lots of material!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40720 India and States supercollection 1854-1949.
£8,950Very well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection India and States 1854-1949, including beautiful classic part including first issues and many good stamps such as (Stanley Gibbons no’s): 66, 107-109*, 107-109, 140*, 142*, 144, 146, 190*, 191, 218, 219, 247-264*, 305-308** (Gandhi), service 19, 47**, 96, China expeditionary force (C.E.F. overprint) 1-10*, 11**, Chamba 106*, 107*, Gwalior 100, 101, Jind 102*, 103*, in thick Scott album. Also material from other countries present, such as Pakistan 1-19*, 24-43* with different perforations, 44-51**, service 1-13*, 14-26*, Abu Dhabi 1-11**, etc.
40758 Great Britain 1841-1969.
£450Nicely filled, mainly used stamp collection Great Britain 1841-1969 in Davo luxe album.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40757 Great Britain forgeries 1840-1910.
£450Stockbook with over 100 forgeries of Great Britain 1840-1910. Nice?
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40054 Singapore modern MNH.
£800Nice lot of MNH sets and souvenir sheets from Singapore up to 2006, including much thematic material, in 2 stockbooks. Face value already $2300 (euro 1600), now for half face!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).