32902 Israel 1948-1990.
£1,100Almost complete, MNH, mint hinged and canceled, mostly fulltab stamp collection Israel 1948-1990 in 2 Davo cristal albums, in which better stamps, souvenir sheets, stamp booklets etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
32674 Yemen 1926-1963.
£300MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Yemen 1926-1963 on stockpages in folder, in which e.g. (Michel no’s): 1 in strip of 3, 10-20** with overprint specimen, 21-26U** (imperforated, no. 22 missing), 21-26U* (imperforated, no. 22 missing), 41-44U** (imperforated), idem in blocks of 4 MNH, 139-142B*, 200-204B*, 215-224B** in blocks of 4, 233-234B** in blocks of 4, 237-240B** in blocks of 4, souvenir sheet 2**, etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
32636 Egypt service 1893-1952.
£350Specialised collection service stamps of Egypt 1893-1952 in stockbook, in which varieties, cancels, color nuances, some covers etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
32524 Israel 1948-2011.
£1,450Very well filled, mainly fulltab MNH stamp collection Israel 1948-2011 in 3 albums, in which various good stamps, souvenir sheets, coil stamps, sheets etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
32522 Israel 1948-2006.
£1,150Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used, mostly full-tab stamp collection Israel 1948-2006 in 3 Schaubek albums (albumpages till 2011), in which various better stamps.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
31924 Israel first day cover collection 1957-2003.
£375Extensive collection of over 1500 covers incl. better and sheetlets on cover, also special issues with different cancellations, in 2 boxes. Offered very cheap!!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
31197 Israel 1948-2001.
£1,100Very well filled, MNH, fulltab stamp collection Israel 1948-2001, including souvenir sheets, booklets, various envelopes etc. in 8 albums.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).