40811 Germany covers 1900-1920.
£750Beautiful collection of covers from Germany 1900-1920, including submarine covers, mixed frankings, registered and censored covers, postal stationery, letters to foreign countries with postage due (France, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, USA, Netherlands), mixed franking Netherlands and Germany (!) etc. in album.
40809 Bundespost and Berlin 1948-1979.
£270Well filled, mint hinged and cancelled stamp collection Bundespost and Berlin 1948-1979 in Abria album.
40847 Mexico classic 1856-1900.
£450Nice, small lot, mainly cancelled, classic stamps of Mexico 1856-1900, on albumpages in folder.
40843 Great Britain 1938-1951.
£435Nice, MNH and mint hinged lot of training stamps of Great Britain 1938-1951, including blocks of 4 and a complete 3’9 stamp booklet.
40842 Fiume 1918-1942.
£350Small, MNH and mint hinged stamp collection Fiume 1918-1942, including many varieties and approved (Flasch and Bodor) material.
40841 Belgian Congo/Urundi 1886-1960.
£850Well filled, mint hinged and cancelled stamp collection Belgian Congo/Urundi 1886-1960, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Congo 13, II-III*, 24-25, 26-30, Belgian Congo 110-118*, souvenir sheet 3-10*, etc. on albumpages in folder.
40839 Belgian Congo 1886-1960.
£650Almost complete, mint hinged stamp collection Belgian Congo 1886-1960 including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Congo 11(*), 12-13*, 26-30*, Belgian Congo 33-41* (red cross), etc. on Yvert albumpages in folder.
40816 Portugal 1853-1970.
£750Almost complete, mint hinged and used stamp collection Portugal 1853-1970, including nice classic part and good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 93, 94, 96-108, souvenir sheet 3, 4*, 10*, 14, etc. on Scott album pages in springback. Also some colonies present.
40817 Old German States and German Reich 1850-1944.
£950Nicely filled, mainly cancelled stock of Old German States and German Reich 1850-1944 in thick Fil-I-Safe dealer stockbook.
40814 Switzerland cancellations 1882-1907.
£575Nice collection of boxed cancellations on stamps of Switzerland 1882-1907 on standing Helvetia, specialised in perforations, in stock book.
40818 German Reich infla stamps 1919-1923.
£500MNH and mint hinged stamp collection infla stamps of German Reich 1919-1923, including combinations, service stamps, Heftchenblätter, OPD prints, coil stamps etc. in self-made album.
40815 Belgium 1849-1965.
£4,200Complete except for 1 stamp (5 Francs Leopold missing), mint hinged (classic part also somewhat cancelled), stamp collection Belgium 1849-1965 in neat quality, in Philac album. No souvenir sheets or back of the book present.