33527 World 1880-1960.


Slightly messy, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection world 1880-1960 in 7 blank albums, in which nice English and French colonies, Japan, much Belgium, including better ones, Scandinavia, USA etc.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

33194 World sorting lot 1880-1980.


Box with various albums with MNH, mint hinged and used stamps of many countries, including nice CEPT collection (including Luxembourg 1956 and 1957 MNH), nice United Nations, a lot of old material, a lot of Switzerland (also various Swiss coupon cards from the 2nd World War) etc.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

32983 All world specimen booklets 50/60’s.


Nice and unusual lot specimen presentation booklets from the printer Fournier SA, Vitoria, Spain, all with sets with hole punch incl. duplicates (some mixed condition), in total 62 booklets, very scarce material, seldom offered!!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

31917 World sorting lot.


Sorting lot world in box, in which e.g. nice collection new Hebrides, world MNH in glassines and envelopes, collection Mauretania, Arab countries in numbers, including imperforated, collection Aden including better stamps, Martinique etc. etc. Whole box full of nice and not so nice adventure!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

13094 All world charity kiloware off paper.


Around 5 kilo of stamps off paper of many different countries, collected by the Dutch Charity organisations, unpicked and unchecked, including stamps of all over the world as it comes in, also better stamps noted, in big removal box. Many hours of sortingpleasure

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

13093 All world charity kiloware.


Around 10 kilo of stamps on paper of many different countries, collected by the Dutch Charity organisations, unpicked and unchecked, including stamps of all over the world as it comes in, also better stamps noted, in big removal box.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).