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30517 Netherlands 1852-1945.
Mostly mint hinged stamp collection Netherlands 1852-1945 in somewhat mixed quality (older part partly without gum or regummed) in Lindner album, in which a.o. (NVPH no’s): 1-3(*), 6*, 18(*), 23-27(**) (=regummed), 46(**), 47(**), 48*, 90-101*, 121-131*, 136-138*, 149-162*, 177-198*, 2369-237*, 244-247*, 257-260*, 356-373*, syncopated 1-21, 33-56*, 57-70*, 71-73*, 78-81*, 86-89*, 90-93*, 94-97*, 98-101*, postage dues 27-28*, 31-43*, etc. High catalogue value!
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