39223 Venezuela 1859-1984.
Very well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Venezuela 1859-1984, including good classic part, many better stamps such as (Michel no’s): 218*, 219-231*/o, 370 in canceled vertical pair between the stamps imperforate, idem in mint block of 4 between the stamps vertically imperforated (without gum), 378-381*, 382-398* (no. 396 and 397 canceled), 425* in vertical pair between the stamps imperforated, 572-580*, 621* *, 669-677*, 701-709*, 747-755*, 779-787*, 795-803*, 882-890*, 1003-1011* (no. 1006 and 1011 canceled), nice part back of the book etc. in 2 albums.
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