40797 Italy 1868-1978.
Very well filled, mint hinged and used, partly double stamp collection Italy 1868-1978, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 95-96**, 95-96, 97, 100-103*, 155 on piece, 157-159*, 157-159, 177-182, 183-185*, 275-278*, 285-294*, 362-368*, 373-384 (383 mint hinged), 413, 415-434, 445-446*, 494-513*, 547-559*/o, 576-590* (no. 590 missing), 604-619, 772*, 773, 797, 830-831*, 830-831 (2x), 838*, nice back of the book, including Trieste, in Schaubek album.
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