40824 Malaysia cancels 1880-1950.
£800Nice collection of cancels from Malaysia 1880-1950, including many beautiful complete strikes, in 2 volumes.
40844 Straits Settlements 1867-1937.
£850Reasonably filled, mint hinged and cancelled stamp collection Straits Settlements 1867-1937, including good stamps such as (Stanley Gibbons no’s): 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 19, 19a (perforation 12½), 121, 141-151*, etc. on albumpages in folder.
40838 Phillipines 1854-2007.
£1,500Very well filled, mainly mint hinged stamp collection Philippines 1854-2007, including Spanish colony, American occupation, Japanese occupation, independent etc. in old large Yvert album.
40837 North Korea souvenir sheets 1972-2014.
£300MNH collection of souvenir sheets from North Korea 1972-2014 in thick stockbook.
40653 Postal stationey Japanese occupation Dutch east Indies and interim 1942-1948.
£800Collection of approx. 50 mint and used postal stationery from the Japanese occupation of the Dutch East Indies and interim 1942-1948 and also some stamps, Japanese occupation of Burma and the Philippines etc. in stockbook.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40777 Pahang 1891-1965.
£450Well filled, mainly mint hinged stamp collection Pahang 1891-1965 on blank albumpages in folder.
40630 Japan 1871-1977.
£3,600Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stock Japan 1871-1977, including nice classic part and good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 69-70*, 98* (!), 123-126 (2x), 130-133 (2x), 134*, 146, 172-175*, 172-175, 196-198* (2x), 195-198 (3x), 218-221* (3x), 218-221 (5x), 251-252** (!), 280-283 (2x), 429* (4x), 447B, 475** (2x), 475*, 475 (4x), 494-498 (5x), etc. in thick stockbook.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40720 India and States supercollection 1854-1949.
£8,950Very well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection India and States 1854-1949, including beautiful classic part including first issues and many good stamps such as (Stanley Gibbons no’s): 66, 107-109*, 107-109, 140*, 142*, 144, 146, 190*, 191, 218, 219, 247-264*, 305-308** (Gandhi), service 19, 47**, 96, China expeditionary force (C.E.F. overprint) 1-10*, 11**, Chamba 106*, 107*, Gwalior 100, 101, Jind 102*, 103*, in thick Scott album. Also material from other countries present, such as Pakistan 1-19*, 24-43* with different perforations, 44-51**, service 1-13*, 14-26*, Abu Dhabi 1-11**, etc.
40497 China MNH 1992-2000.
£1,250Extensive MNH engros lot China 1992-2000 in sheets and sheet parts, including better issues, in box.
40620 China 1878-1949.
£5,500Well filled, mainly cancelled stock China 1878-1949, including much classic material (also large and small dragons) and good stamps such as (Yvert no’s): 24, 28A, 30A, 167-169**, etc. in stockbook. High catalogue value!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40708 Indonesia 1948-2018.
£2,700Extremely extensive, MNH, mint hinged and used stock Indonesia 1948-2018, including all good sets such as overprint set 1948, temple set, Ris and Riau overprints, many misprints and imperforate stamps, etc. in 3 thick stockbooks.
40688 Japan 1915-2006.
£3,750Well filled, mainly MNH stamp collection Japan 1915-2006, including many good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 130-133*, 172-175*, 358A*, 358B(*), 359A*, 359B(*), 428**, 437-439**, 475*, 476-493**, 576-581*, souvenir sheet 18(*), 24(*), 26(*), 29*, 41**, 44(*), 45**, etc. in 2 Scott albums.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).