40466 Austria fiscal.
£900Collection of approx. 1000 mint hinged and used fiscal stamps and cinderellas of Austria in stockbook.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40396 Austria 1850-2022!
£1,400Very well filled, cancelled stamp collection Austria 1850-2022, including better stamps such as (Michel no’s): 156, 161-177, 512-517, 524-529, 545-550, 551-554, 623-626 and period 1945-2022 99% complete, in 5 Leuchtturm albums.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40359 Austria 1914-1918.
£1,500Exhibition collection of military field postcards of Austria 1914-1918 from various countries such as Hungary, Bosnia, Hungary etc. in album.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40087 Austria 2003-2007.
£200MNH sets, souvenir sheets and some imperforate stamps from Austria 2003-2007 in stockbook.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
39276 Austria and territories 1850-1979.
£1,300Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Austria and territories 1850-1979, including many good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 139-156*, 433-441*, 442-446**, 447-467*, 524-529 *, 545-550* (no. 549 missing), 591-596, 617-622, 623-626*, etc. in blank album.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
39291 Lombardy-Venetia cancels 1850-1863.
£700Stockpage with 31 stamps from Lombardy-Venetia 1850-1863 with beautiful cancels.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
39038 Austria 1850-1950.
£650Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Austria 1850-1950, including extensive classic part, better stamps, nice section back of the book etc. in Marini album.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
38966 Austria 1850-1995.
£900Well filled, initially mixed, later mainly MNH stamp collection Austria 1850-1995, including good stamps, in 3 albums.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
38593 Austria cancels 1852-1900.
£750Lot cancels on classic stamps of Austria 1852-1900 in 3 small stockbooks.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
38873 Austrian Levant 1863-1914.
£600Well filled, specialised, canceled stamp collection Austrian Levant 1863-1914, including fore runners (stamps of Lombardy Venetia used in Levant), better stamps such as (Michel no’s): 7 IB (certificate), 7 IC (certificate), 5 II, 6 II, 28B (certificate), etc. on albumpages in folder.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
38565 Austria 1945-1979.
£1,950Fantastic, MNH, overcomplete stamp collection Austria 1945-1979, in which (Michel no’s): 693-696I** (1945 Hitler overprints 18.5 mm), 693-696 II** (1945 Hitler overprints 16.25 mm), 772- 775B** in kleinbogen (Renner sheets), VI-VII** (Blitze and Totenkopf, not issued), 893-926**, 984-987** (birds), etc. in luxe Leuchtturm album.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
38527 Austria and territories 1850-1953.
£850Well filled, mint hinged and canceled stamp collection Austria and territories 1850-1953, including well filled classic part and better stamps such as (Michel no’s): 512-517*, 613-616*, 772-775B**, nice part Levant, etc. in old album.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).