13078 Europa Cept 2006 investmentlot.


Incredible investment lot mint never hinged sets and sheetlets, perf and imperf of the 50 year Europa Cept jubilee, 34 different issues of 13 different countries, all 1000x present, mainly smaller countries with hard to get issues like Georgia, Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro, Turkish Cyprus, Albania, Macedonia etc. The face value alone is (converted) around 116.000 EURO, the MIchel catalogue value around 572.000 EURO (list with contents with lot). Magnificent lot for (bourse)dealers, Ebayers, approval etc. Huge profit potential!!!

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27888 Bund and Berlin 1949-1987.


Very well filled, cancelled collection Bundespost and Berlin 1949-1987 in large Yvert album, in which better material. Bargain!

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27607 Local post Denmark.


Nice mint hinged and used collection local post stamps of Denmark on old albumpages in folder. In total ca. 200 stamps of a.o. Aalborg, Odense, Fredericia, Aarhus etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

27584 Bulgaria 1879-1990.


Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used collection Bulgaria 1879-1990 in album and stockbook. Collection contains a.o. (Michel no’s): 1*, 2(*), 3(*), 4, 6*, 7*, 11(*), 206-209*, 242-248*, 249-251*, 274-279*, 280-285*, 291-295*, 593-595**, etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

27515 United Nations 1969-1998.


MNH and cancelled collection United Nations 1969-1998 in 10 special albums. Collection contains mostely material of Geneva, amongst which some Swiss service stamps. Contains a.o. sheetlets, plateblocks, first day sheets etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

27524 Austria railroad post and station cancels.


Beautiful collection railroadpost and station cancels of Austria in 17 (!) albums. Collection contains over 200 covers, stationeries etc. and is very extensively ducumented.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

27382 United Nations 1957-2003 FDC’s.


Extensive collection FDC’s, covers and cards of the United Nations 1957-2003 in 7 albums with slipcases. Collection contains ca. 600 items and also some MNH material.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

27329 Portugal 1853-1940.


Nicely filled, mint hinged and used collection Portugal 1853-1940 on blanc albumpages in folder, in which nice classic part. Also some Portugese colonies present.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

13077 Locals/cinderella’s.


33 different sheetlets of ‘countries’ like Pabay, Stroma, St. Kilda etc. all 100x used, so in total 3300!! sheetlets incl. many nice thematics, in small box. Offered very cheap, only 5 cent each!!!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

27113 Finland 1875-2010.


Well filled, canceled collection Finland 1875-2010 in 3 albums, in which a.o. very many modern souvenir sheets and stampbooklets.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

26929 Netherlands 1950-2015 FDC’s.


Almost complete collection FDC’s of the Netherlands from E2 (churches 1950) up untill E720 in 5 Davo luxe FDC albums with slipcases. Collection is unaddressed from no. 50 onwards and contains some nice extra’s like child sheetlets 1973, 1974, 1975 and 1976. Cat. value ca. 7500 euros.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

26871 New Zealand 1900-1985.


Extensive, specialised, MNH, mint hinged and used collection New Zealand 1900-1985 in 4 albums.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).