40641 United Nations New York MNH complete 1951-2011.
£550Complete, MNH stamp collection United Nations New York 1951-2011, in which stamps, souvenir sheets, (flag) sheets, personal sheets, booklets etc. in 3 Lindner albums.
40607 Italian territories Trentino/Venezia 1918.
£1,100Small, mainly mint hinged stamp collection Italian areas Julian Venice and Trentino 1918, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Julian Venice 1-16*, Trentino 11-A17* (no. 5 and 14 missing, A17, 3x genuine?), 18-26*, postage dues 1-9*, etc. on albumpages in folder.
40777 Pahang 1891-1965.
£450Well filled, mainly mint hinged stamp collection Pahang 1891-1965 on blank albumpages in folder.
40782 Biafra specialised 1968-1970.
£2,500Fantastic, specialised, multiple, MNH, mint hinged and cancelled stamp collection Biafra 1968-1970, including many good items such as (Stanley Gibbons no’s): 4-16 multiple (cat. £425 per set), 5a** (double overprint), 12b** (red overprint missing, 2x), 13a** (red overprint missing, 2x), 14b** (black overprint missing), 14c** (double red overprint, 2x), 16a** (black overprint missing), 20a** (blue colour missing), 20b** (red colour missing, 2x), 36a** (green and orange colour missing), etc. Also many varieties not listed in catalogue, imperforated material, proofs etc. on stockpages in small box.
40734 Switzerland service 1918-1960.
£1,600Multiple,MNH, mint hinged and cancelled stamp collection Switzerland service 1918-1960, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Service: Kriegswirtschaft 1-8 I** (thin overprint), 1-8 I* (no. 6 missing), 1-8 II** (thick overprint), 1-8 II*, Bundesbekorden 1-18, 19-27, international organisations: SDN 1-15 (2x), 16-25 (2x), 26-35, 36-41 (2x), 56 (3x), 83-93* (2x), BIE 1-21*, OMS 6-25*, 6-25, etc. on albumpages and stockpages in small box.
40700 German Reich supercollection 1872-1945.
£12,000Fantastic, almost complete, almost entirely MNH (also some naughty gum present), stamp collection German Reich 1872-1945, including the good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 12-13** (certificate), 17B** (certificate), 20** (certificate), 29-30**, 47 Ic** (certificate), 65 I** (certificate), 66** (5 Mark Reichspost), 79** (certificate), 80Aa** (certificate), 385-397**, 438-439(**) (Zeppelin SüdAmerika), 456-458** (Zeppelin polar flight, Raybaudi certificate), 496-498** (Zeppelin Chicago), 499-507** (Wagner, no. 505A with certificate), souvenir sheet 2(**) (regummed), Fieldpost 8* (certificate), 9** (certificate), 11AaIII** (certificate, 11BaIV** (certificate), etc. in 2 luxe Leuchtturm albums. Contains 25 certificates!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40737 Switzerland complete 1907-2012.
£2,500Complete, MNH and mint hinged stamp collection Switzerland 1907-2012, including many good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 121-123*, 145*, 152*, 226-228*, 447-459* (Pax), souvenir sheet 1* (Naba 1934), 8**, 9*, 10*, 11**, 14*, etc. in 2 luxe Leuchtturm albums.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40695 Switzerland 1862-1964.
£3,750Beautiful, specialised, MNH, mint hinged and used, mostly double stamp collection Switzerland 1862-1964, including many good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 13-17 (Stroebel, multiple), 22III* (double printed value inscription of which 1x inverted, in strip of 3, middle stamp variety), 45-49 (white paper), I-III* (fore runners Pro Juventute 1912), 142*, 145*, 152**, 226-228*, 447-459** (Pax), 447-459, 590-591** in complete sheet (2x), souvenir sheet 1* (Naba), 1, 2*, 2, 2 grosbogen (4 sheets together), 5*, 6*, 6, 7*, 7, 8*, 9**, 9, 10*, 10 FDC, 11*, 12*, 12, 13*, 13 FDC, 14*, 14, 15*, 15 FDC, combinations K9*, K9 (cancel?), extensive part postage due, service, international organisations etc. in 2 blank albums.
40759 New Zealand 1862-2012.
£1,750Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and cancelled, partly double stamp collection New Zealand 1862-2012, including many souvenir sheets, Ross Dependency, etc. in 3 Davo albums.
40658 Singapore 1948-2006.
£1,650Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and cancelled stock of Singapore 1948-2006, including many souvenir sheets and stampbooklets in 2 stockbooks.
40732 Syria 1920-1971.
£1,250Nice, well filled, mint hinged and cancelled, partly specialised stamp collection Syria 1920-1971, including good stamps, varieties, covers, etc. in 2 albums.
40730 French colonies 1888-1975.
£4,000Well filled, mint hinged and cancelled stamp collection French colonies 1888-1975, including good stamps such as (Yvert no’s): Afrique Equatoriale 72-76*, Alaouites 1-15*, 35-40*, Alexandria 19-33*, Crete 1-15*, Dahomey 26*, 115-119*, postage dues 1-8*, Lebanon 1-14*, 22-38*, 122-127*, airmail 1-4*, 5-8*, Guadeloupe 127-132*, French Guinea 33-47*, 153-157*, postage dues 1-7*, 8-15*, French Guyane 152-156*, Upper Volta 1-17*, Inini 1-28*, 31-35*, Kouang-Tcheou 120-124*, Madagascar 71*, 74*, 75*, 76*, 209-213*, airmail 1-14*, Martinique 170-174*, Mauritania 1-16* (no. 8 missing), 100-104*, Oubangui 1-17*, 25-42*, 63-74*, Réunion 158-162*, Rouad 4-16**, Saar 189-195*, airmail 139*, Senegal 155-159*, postage 4-11*, Soudan 105-109*, Syria 67*, 221-239*, Tchad 1-18*, Togo 84-100*, 177-181*, Tunisia 79-95*,185-204*, etc. in 5 old, large (somewhat rickety) Yvert albums.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).